UK Snow: Debunking Lord Stirling + Global Warming: Winter Weirding

Highgate Woods in the snow

Image by Learn4Life via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

potholer54 | January 13, 2011

14 – BP oil spills and an end to snow


Global Warming: Winter Weirding

greenman3610 | January 06, 2011

Climate deniers like to claim that cold weather over eastern north america and eurasia somehow contradicts a warming planet.
In fact, scientists are now observing what may become a more frequent pattern, caused by declining northern sea ice – of frigid polar air being pushed out of the arctic regions, while warmer air is drawn to northern areas.………


Peak Oil and a Changing Climate

From Snowstorms to Heat Waves, How Global Warming Causes Extreme Weather and Climate Instability

It’s Cold, so there is no Global Warming 2 + 32,000 Scientists (haha, didn’t we discuss this last winter?)

Dr James Hansen: Human-Made Climate Change: A Moral, Political and Legal Issue (2010)

2 thoughts on “UK Snow: Debunking Lord Stirling + Global Warming: Winter Weirding

  1. Pingback: If There’s Global Warming … Why Is It So Cold? | Dandelion Salad

  2. Pingback: END:CIV: Resist or Die « Dandelion Salad

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