Class Struggles in Crisis: From Wal-Mart to the State

Walmart Sucks NIMBY

Image by NineInchNachosX1 via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

LeftStreamed·Mar 2, 2013

Arun Gupta is a co-founder of The Indypendent and The Occupied Wall Street Journal, and has covered the Occupy movement for The Guardian, Salon and many other publications around the world. Recorded in Toronto, 22 February 2013.


Kevin Doogan is professor in the School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol. He writes on the political economy of labour markets and European integration and recently published New Capitalism–The Transformation of Work with Polity Press. Recorded in Toronto, 22 February 2013.


Jane Hardy is a professor in the Business School at the University of Hertfordshire. Her research includes foreign investment and labour movements in Eastern Europe and her publications include Poland’s New Capitalism with Pluto Press. Recorded in Toronto, 22 February 2013.


Charles Post is a professor of Sociology at Borough of Manhattan Community College, City University of New York (CUNY). He writes on the origins of capitalism and social class and has recently published The American Road to Capitalism: Studies in Class-Structure, Economic Development and Political Conflict, 1620-1877 with Brill. Recorded in Toronto, 22 February 2013.


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