Sweden’s Unfounded Russophobia by Siv O’Neall

Pfc. William Coleman

Image by Spc. John Cress Jr. via 7th Army Training Command via Flickr

by Siv O’Neall
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Lyon, France
July 19, 2016

It is frightening to see how the Swedish government, which, I suppose, considers itself more open than the center-right government we had before 2014, nevertheless seems to be the vassals of the U.S. The ever-increasing realization in Europe that the Western Empire poses a threat to life all over the world has apparently escaped the Swedes. One after the other EU countries are now seeing that it is not Russia that is a threat to a possible future world peace. This possibility has now been torpedoed by Washington’s aggressive stance towards Russia and Putin.

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The Greek Coup: Liquidity as a Weapon of Coercion by Ellen Brown + Greece is Not the Major Problem – Europe is by Siv O’Neall

Alexis Tsipras on a short leash from the EU

Image by DonkeyHotey via Flickr

by Ellen Brown
Writer, Dandelion Salad
The Web of Debt Blog
July 30, 2015

“My father made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. Luca Brasi held a gun to his head and my father assured him that either his brains, or his signature, would be on the contract.” — The Godfather (1972)

In the modern global banking system, all banks need a credit line with the central bank in order to be part of the payments system. Choking off that credit line was a form of blackmail the Greek government couldn’t refuse.

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Greece Rejects the Troika. What’s Next? by Michael Hudson + Greece: It all seems so clear – and so complicated by Siv O’Neall

OXI in Brussles

Image by Maxime De Ruyck via Flickr

by Michael Hudson
Writer, Dandelion Salad
michael-hudson.com, July 6, 2015
July 8, 2015

Just after 7 PM Greek time on Sunday, I was told that the “No” vote (Gk. Oxi) was winning approximately 60/40. The “opinion polls” showing a dead heat evidently were wrong. Bookies across Europe are reported to be losing their shirts for betting that the financial right wing could fool most Greeks into voting against their self-interest. The margin of victory shows that Greek voters were immune to media misrepresentation during the week-long run-up as to whether to accept the troika’s demand for austerity to be conducted on anti-labor lines.

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Did Washington Ever Tell A Lie? by Siv O’Neall

06 chemical weapons

Image by Vertigogen via Flickr

by Siv O’Neall
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Lyon, France
September 1, 2013

A democracy is a country where the all-powerful President does what he alone knows is good tor the people.

Stand up! The United States of America, our fatherland, the only moral nation in the world. And the only powerful nation. Together we stand. Flag at the top. We have the moral right to invade and kill millions in any country that does not abide by our rules. We are the world leaders. Continue reading

Jean Ziegler: Every Child Who Dies of Hunger Is Murdered, Translated by Siv O’Neall

Interview with Jean Ziegler by Harald Schumann, Norbert Thomma, translation by Siv O’Neall
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Der Tagespiegel, Mar 25, 2013
Lyon, France
March 27, 2013

Collard Greens

Image by Dandelion Salad via Flickr

Every five seconds a child dies of hunger – that leaves Jean Ziegler no rest. He calls banks and corporations “mass murderers”. And he hopes for a revolt from below.

Mr. Ziegler, you describe death from starvation as very “painful”. Where did you see this for the first time?

In Ethiopia, in an underground hospital of the Eritrean liberation movement. In this cave bunker I saw children dying of hunger. It’s much, much worse than we can imagine. For it is not as if with the lack of food, a person’s life energy easily leaves him. Continue reading

Corporatism is the True Face of Terrorism by Siv O’Neall

Apocalyptic outcome

Image by Pmltadeo via Flickr

by Siv O’Neall
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
Lyon, France
March 6, 2013

The world the way it looks today seems like a stage production by Corpocrats – inhuman monsters who have made the entire planet into their horror-story set. It appears like a creation by insane people, one that wouldn’t stand the light of day. And yet – there it is, our world, gradually becoming annihilated by those mad Corpocrats who are cheering in their hidden castles. We don’t know who they are. We don’t know where they are. All we know is that they are in the process of destroying the earth.

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Nestlé and Monsanto — Let Them Eat Their Money by Siv O’Neall

Verduras Monzanto

Image by ARA 3Xilos via Flickr

by Siv O’Neall
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
Lyon, France
Sept. 26, 2012

It’s strictly ingenious. The two big multinational corporations have found the way to ruin the earth. They care about nothing but their own coffers – profit, profit and more profit, and step by step they will move us to the brink. Hopefully they will be the first to fall over the cliff. They will have ruined the earth, water, plants, forests, insects, mammals (the chief mammals being the leaders of this absurd system that rules the world) and all that is comprised in the concept of ecosystems.

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Absurdity Rules the World by Siv O’Neall

by Siv O’Neall
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
Axisoflogic.com, 13 July 2012
Lyon, France
15 July 2012

Greedy Corporate America

Image by Beverly & Pack via Flickr

The absurdity of the world today is so blinding that we can barely see through the fog to discern what went so wrong.

Plans had been spun for years in the dark underground caves by the enemies of man. The Neoconservatives had it all planned, but one factor was missing.

Propaganda had already been working its insidious misinformation. The mass media were already more than willing to play the game of Big Money. Continue reading

“We do not want to die in the rubble of neoliberalism!” By Pierre Larrouturou, Translation by Siv O’Neall

By Pierre Larrouturou
Le Monde (Original in French), 30 April 2012
Translation by Siv O’Neall
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
Axisoflogic.com, 7 May 2012
Lyon, France
13 May 2012

It seems perfectly clear that Roosevelt didn’t implement the various reforms to get out of the Great Depression from any excessive sense of charity (even though he was most likely a basically sound man) but really in order to save Capitalism. That’s a well-known fact and Pierre Larrouturou’s founding of Roosevelt 2012 does not to me make him a Messiah. However, through his reforms, FDR did save millions of people from lives in poverty, hunger and misery. He implemented new work relief programs – the WPA (Work Projects Administration) and also banking reforms, the ‘Emergency Banking Act’ and several other social reforms.

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Monsanto, a half-century of health scandals by Soren Seelow, Translated by Siv O’Neall

by Soren Seelow
Translated by Siv O’Neall
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
Axisoflogic.com, Mar 22, 2012
www.lemonde.fr, Mar 16, 2012
Lyon, France
Mar 28, 2012

Seattle's Say no to Monsanto's GMOs Rally!

Image by MillionsAgainstMonsanto via Flickr

This translation of ‘Monsanto, un demi-siècle de scandales sanitaires’ has received the full authorization to be published on anglophone sites by Le Monde and the author, Soren Seelow.

The giant U.S. agribusiness Monsanto was found guilty on Monday Feb. 13, after being sued by a small farmer from Charente who had been poisoned by a herbicide. This event is a first in France. On the scale of the history of the one-hundred-year-old multinational, this sentence constitutes just one more episode in an already long record of court procedures.

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Hunger Is a ‘Weapon of Mass Destruction’, says Jean Ziegler by Siv O’Neall

by Siv O’Neall
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
Lyon, France
Jan. 19, 2012

Tomato in my front yard garden

Image by Dandelion Salad via Flickr

“Every five seconds, a child under 10 dies of hunger.  – Thirty-five million people die each year from hunger or its immediate aftermath. – One billion people are permanently and severely malnourished and the situation is becoming increasingly catastrophic.” (Jean Ziegler)

In his latest book Mass Destruction – the Geopolitics of Hunger, Jean Ziegler[1] talks about the current state of the world and the neoliberal politics of starvation of the poor, which has led to a crisis situation amounting to calculated murder. What we are witnessing today is the worst hunger crisis in human history is. And it is all because of human greed, colossal mismanagement for profit.

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Food for fuel – a sure way of creating a hunger crisis by Jean Ziegler and Siv O’Neall

by Jean Ziegler and Siv O’Neall
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
Lyon, France
Dec. 28, 2011

Red Raspberries

Image by Dandelion Salad via Flickr

Jean Ziegler[1], in his recently published book ‘Massive Destruction – the Geopolitics of Hunger'[2], is denouncing the brutal arms the neoliberal masters of the world are using in order to annihilate resistance to their senseless attempt to run the world as they see fit.

Jean Ziegler is a tireless fighter for human rights and the right to food, stated in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as has been proven in his numerous earlier books on various subjects dealing with the extreme callousness of the Empire. Continue reading

Jean Ziegler: “The cannibal world order” Translated by Siv O’Neall

By Siv O’Neall
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
Lyon, France
Oct. 26, 2011

Butternut Squash Harvest

Image by Dandelion Salad via Flickr

Interview with Jean Ziegler by Gilles Toussaint

Introduction and translation by Siv O’Neall


The victims are the poor, the former subsistence farmers in Africa who have been deprived of their land and whose countries now have to import food at exorbitant prices, due to the speculation in agricultural commodities resulting in the skyrocketing food prices today. Continue reading

Monsanto and the mortal danger to traditional agriculture By Siv O’Neall

By Siv O’Neall
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
August 21, 2011

Lovely flowering dill

Image by Dandelion Salad via Flickr

The greatest threat to the future of food production in the world is the introduction of genetically engineered foods from the bio-tech industry. Contrary to their mendacious propagandized promises of solving the problem of world hunger through the so-called second green revolution, the bio-tech companies are instead in the process of destroying the world’s ecosystems, and thus the natural food chains and life cycles. Their goal is certainly not to solve any problem at all, but instead to fill the corporate coffers with the profits from selling their dangerous products to countries with already high mortality rates from malnutrition and starvation.

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Corporatism or Survival on Earth? By Siv O’Neall

Corporate Greed

Image by tomswift46 (No Groups with Comments) via Flickr

By Siv O’Neall
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
July 21, 2011

Globalized commerce and finance have taken over the planet and the majority of nations are above all anxious to keep up the pace with the rest of the frightened sycophants to the Empire, anxious not to fall behind when and where the big profits are being raked in off the roulette tables. Mesdames, messieurs, faites vos jeux! Tomorrow we’ll be dead. But today, let us not be left out of the big game!

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