Aaron Russo Has Died Aug. 24th 2007 + Mad As Hell + America: Freedom to Fascism – Director’s Authorized Version (videos)

Dandelion Salad

From: Tommytime8

Aaron Russo (February 14, 1943 — August 24, 2007) was an entertainment businessman, film maker, and libertarian political activist.

Russo became involved in politics in the early 1990s when he produced and starred in a video entitled Mad As Hell in which he criticized NAFTA, The War on Drugs, the concept of a National Identity Card, and government regulation of alternative medicine.

His latest film is America: Freedom to Fascism, a documentary critical of The Federal Reserve System and the Internal Revenue Service.

Aaron lost his long battle with cancer
we love you Aaron


Patriot Hero Aaron Russo Passes Away

Prison Planet
August 24, 2007

We were saddened to hear of the passing of activist, film maker, freedom fighter and all round maverick Aaron Russo today, who died today after a long battle with cancer at the age of 64.

Aaron will be remembered fondly for all his achievements, not least of which the excellent America: From Freedom to Fascism, his final movie which exposed the fraudulent basis of the IRS and the Federal Reserve.

Aaron was a real patriot who loved his country and risked his whole career to stand for the truth. He was an example to us all.

Aaron Russo was the Samuel Adams of our day, a stalwart defender of liberty, his passing is greatly mourned but his fiery spirit lives on in all of his great work and in his wife, his children and his film America From Freedom to Fascism.

Our deep condolences go out to Aaron’s family and friends at this difficult time.

Historic Interview with Aaron Russo, Fighting Cancer and the New World Order

Note: replaced video June 12, 2012

on Jun 1, 2009

In an historic final interview, filmmaker and music promoter Aaron Russo goes in depth on the insider-knowledge given to him by a member of the Rockefeller family. Russo was told– prior to 9/11– of plans to stage terror attacks, invade foreign nations, and kickstart a high-tech police state control grid that would track the populations’ every move with implantable RFID microchips.
This information-packed presentation is filled with never-before seen footage. Throughout the film, Alex Jones breaks down the latest activities of the New World Order and how it ties into what Russo predicted.

Aaron explains how the elite created the women’s liberation movement to break up the family and tax working women. Russo breaks down the deception of democracy– which is nothing more than mob rule guaranteed to produce tyranny.

Russo also exposes the IRS & Federal Reserve. He blasts the unconstitutional and predatory institutions that have crippled the American Republic and crushed the people with bogus taxes, inflation and loss of privacy. Russo explains that he himself was persecuted in the late 80s by a criminal ‘retroactive’ tax scheme that attempted to levy new taxes on years already passed.

As night falls on the Republic, Aaron Russo delivers a powerful call for the forces of liberty to rise and crush tyranny. Only then can the Republic be restored.

Reflections And Warnings – An Interview With Aaron Russo {Full Film}


Aaron Russo, 1943-2007

By Michael Hampton
Posted: August 25, 2007 2:29 am

Award-winning filmmaker and libertarian political activist Aaron Russo succumbed to cancer Friday at age 64.

Russo was best known for his films, most famous among them Trading Places and The Rose, which won three Golden Globe awards in 1980.

What’s less well known is that he was also instrumental in bringing musical acts to the United States in the 1970s, including one of my all-time favorites, Led Zeppelin.

In his later years, though, Russo turned to politics. In 1996 he produced and starred in a film, Mad as Hell, where he criticized many government policies such as the national ID card, the war on drugs, and government regulation of alternative medicine. In 1998 he ran in the Republican primary for governor of Nevada but was defeated. In 2002, before he could decide whether to run again, he was diagnosed with bladder cancer.

In 2004 he ran for President under the Libertarian Party banner, but failed to get the nomination.

Most recently he produced a documentary film, America: Freedom to Fascism, showing a quest to discover which law requires Americans to pay federal income taxes and finding something quite different.

And in 2007 he was one of the first to endorse Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) for President, doing so even before Paul announced his candidacy. Just before he died he spoke to long time friend and libertarian activist Stephen Gordon about Ron Paul:

In our last telephone conversation, Aaron told me he’d kick my butt if I didn’t do what I could to ensure Ron Paul is the next president of the United States. This was his style. While some have viewed his rough-appearing exterior in a negative manner, those of us who knew him realized what a Teddy Bear he truly was. For those who aren’t aware, Aaron has a long history with Congressman Paul. — Gordon Unleashed

Gordon also says: “If I had to guess the epitaph Aaron would prefer, it would be this: All your freedoms, all the time!” We can honor the legacy of Aaron Russo by rededicating ourselves to the fight to reclaim our lost liberties.

Aaron Russo – Mad As Hell

1 hr 30 min 6 sec – Mar 21, 2007
on Jan 31, 2011

Aaron Russo MAD AS HELL

America: Freedom to Fascism – Director’s Authorized Version

1 hr 51 min 16 sec – May 5, 2007

on Dec 28, 2010

America Freedom to Fascism Director’s Authorized Version

10 thoughts on “Aaron Russo Has Died Aug. 24th 2007 + Mad As Hell + America: Freedom to Fascism – Director’s Authorized Version (videos)

  1. Stop asking WHEN, HOW or WHO. Aaron Russo, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, all the others before us on our side are all pieces of understanding, sacrifice and FREEDOM. Their lives work are gifts to us. They lived this way not so we would sit and ask who will do this for us! They gave this to us so that we will find it, pick up their torches and CARRY IT ON THROUGH EACH OF US. Build libraries of your own knowledge. Teach your families and friends to learn about what is going on. Join groups who will spread the word and fight to bring our government back to WE THE PEOPLE. Every one of us can have a role in this together. We must unite to create change in the way things are being done. We must unite to bring about change in peaceful ways and that is through uniting WE THE PEOPLE to stand together for what is right. EVERY ONE OF US MUST DO SOMETHING and TOGETHER WE WILL KEEP OUR FREEDOMS.


  2. Tonight I watched a clip of Aaron Russo. He said something that instantly clicked with me. He asked why other subsequent acts of terror similar to, or less than, the 9/11 incident have never occured. That was the same question preying on my mind since 2002! He was the only person I know of who asked that question. I believe he was a true patriot, one who spoke the truth regardless of ridicule. Something has to be done to rectify the wrong that has, and continues to permeate our country.

  3. Pingback: The Enduring Capitalist Conspiracy For World Government « Dandelion Salad

  4. Too few people know Aaron Russo’s patriotic works. If more of us knew, we’d be trying to restore Freedom from the fascist federal-mafia criminal godvernment.

    At least Aaron left his works for We The People to review at any time. Not knowing until yesterday that he passed away, I’m stunned at the loss to We The Good Guys. To put it succinctly by paraphrasing a Star Wars phrase, “I feel a disruption in the Force!”

    God has called your number, Aaron, but you’re missed here.

  5. I cant believe that people never even consider what this guy had to teach the world about the real truth he provably died very sad knowing that what he wanted (which is making the world a free and secure world) was never even consider we’re all cowards and we should try to save the world at least try…

    R.I.P Aaron Russo and thank you for showing me truth

  6. Aaron Russo was a courageous American Patriot, whose Legacy — the superb and horrifying documentary America From Freedom To Fascism is going to free the American people from the covert enslavement which the Illuminati controlled privately held Federal Reserve Bank, IRS and US Congress have subjugated us to.

    Every American citizen should see the documentary from America From Freedom To Fascism as soon as possible — their futures depend on it!

    America From Freedom To Fascism can be seen on Google by clicking on the upper Video link which Google supplies on its main page and then typing in America From Freedom To Fascism — Never before has getting a real education regarding the criminals behind the US Federal Government been so easy.

    Also stop by my Website to read about the accounts of someone who has been illegally tracked by way of an NSA spy satellite for decades. You will be Stunned by what you learn!

  7. My goodness, I hope that we all come together to fight for the cause Arron stood for: We are losing our country so fast it is unreal to watch it happen and no one stopping it.. Please start today to do something for our country.. Thanks arron for some one having the courage to stand up our rights and liberty. Vote Ron Paul send him some money help him win

  8. Aaron Russo’s revelations on American government practices and goals will go down in history as prophetic: John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr., Robert Kennedy, and thousands of nameless unknowns have died for our freedoms. Another great crusader is taken… When will we open our hearts to seek the truth?

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