Wikileaks Palin hack independently confirmed, expanded

Dandelion Salad

Updated: here’s a mirrored site and Wired article

The site is either too busy or it’s been taken down. Not surprising. I’ll add a couple of screenshots that I made earlier today. ~ Lo

Sent to me from Bowles-William

From: Wikileaks Press Office <>

Date: 17 September 2008 21:13:36 BDT

To: recipient-list-suppressed: ;

Subject: Wikileaks Palin hack independently confirmed, expanded


More information from Wikileaks on the Palin hack: [Note: link doesn’t work any longer]

The internet activist group ‘anonymous’, famed for its exposure of unethical behavior by the Scientology cult, has now gone after the Alaskan governor and republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

At around midnight last night some members affiliated with the group gained access to governor Palin’s email account “” and handed over the contents to the government sunshine site

Governor Palin has come under media criticism in the past week for using private email accounts to avoid Alaskan freedom of information laws. The contents of the mailbox show this to be true and also hold clues of at least one other Yahoo based mail account held by Palin, ““.

The zip archive made available by Wikileaks contains screen shots of Palin’s inbox, two example emails, address book and a couple of family photos. The list of correspondence, together with the account name tends to re-enforce the earlier criticism of Palin’s email use.

The list of emails include an exchange with Alaskan Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell about his campaign for Congress. Another screenshot shows Palin’s inbox and an e-mail from Amy McCorkell, whom Palin appointed to the Governor’s Advisory Board on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse in 2007.

The e-mail, a message of support to Palin, tells her not to let negative press get to her and asks Palin to pray for McCorkell, who writes that “I need strength to 1. keep employment, 2. not have to choose.”

According to Kim Zetter of Wired Magazine, McCorkell confirmed that she did send the e-mail to Palin.

Subsequently tests by Wikileaks reveal that both Palin’s “” and her unrelated “” account have now been deleted, almost certainly by Palin herself.

According to the Guardian, who has looked at the Wikileaks data, among the emails in Palin’s account were several from addresses belonging to her aides, including a draft letter to California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, a discussion of nominations to the state court of appeals, and several bearing “DPS”, the acronym for the Alaska Department of Public Safety.

DPS supervises the Alaska state troopers. Could the e-mails in question be relevant to the brewing ethics storm over Palin’s push to sack her former brother-in-law from the force?

The contact list included also holds accounts for other official representative’s private email accounts, including those of Alaska’s Kris Perry and Sharon Leighow.

Screenshots and other details follow:


Wikileaks posts a hack of Palin’s e-mail account

by Elana Schor

In addition to family photos, the group appears to have found corroboration that the governor conducted Alaska business via




click pics to see larger view

palin email 1

palin email 2


Palin Hackers May Dodge Feds via DOJ Loophole

Death Becomes Her: Let’s Make Her Our President By Jason Miller

Pitbulls And Colonialist Ghosts By John Steppling


Domestic Spying

19 thoughts on “Wikileaks Palin hack independently confirmed, expanded

  1. Pingback: Palin Hackers May Dodge Feds via DOJ Loophole « Dandelion Salad

  2. you know this is wrong, but it is appropriate given her attitude that she is above reproach.

    I think the hackers should wage an all out war on her, McCain and Bush.

  3. there is nothing here???? I think Obama wasted 2 million for nothing and BTW, It was my dollars that the asshole wasted???

  4. Hockey Moms are good at lots of things. Apparently choosing passwords is not one of them…hockeymilf was a bad idea…


  5. Jess,
    I believe they aren’t supposed to have official correspondence on anything other than an official account.

    They can have personal e-mail addresses for non-official correspondence if they want.

  6. Jess: it’s neither necessary nor responsible for politicians to have easily accessible email accounts. it’s just bad judgement.
    it’s not like her account was actually ‘hacked’, they just managed to guess the answer to her password recovery question

  7. Thanks, Blu. I wasn’t sure which one in particular you wanted to link to.

    Derek, thanks for the link to the video, I edited your comment as I already posted that video. Personally I think something bigger would have to occur before the iPatriot Act would come into being. The email address being hacked may have something to do with a certain investigation, but I really don’t know.

  8. I sure hope they get more information about Palin in general. She has so many things to hide, not cooperating with the whole ethics investigation just proves such. At least SOMEONE is doing the investigation for the non-partisan committee. Us normal folks are willing to break the law by hacking, just to prove the type of crazy woman Palin is. She is one scary creature and her radical religious views should not be forced onto the American people. I’m just as scared of her as I am other extremists from other religions.

    I pray to my prayer stick everyday that McSame isn’t elected because he’ll die and Palin’s need for Armageddon to come in her life time may come true if these fools won’t get their head out of their ass & stop focusing on individual morality!

  9. hahaha… it’s ‘reform’ we can ‘believe in’.
    I downloaded the zip earlier today form the Wired article on it, and it sure smells like the same kind of gov. related side-step that the previous two federal administrations have yet to be corralled on. should be down the memory hole inside of a week. 🙂

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