35,000 protest before G20 meet + G20 Put People First Demonstration

Dandelion Salad

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more about “35,000 protest before G20 meet“, posted with vodpod


G20 protesters’ anger amid global recession – 28 Mar 09

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G20 Put People First Demonstration


Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “G20 Put People First Demonstration“, posted with vodpod


Noam Chomsky: Support unionization

Chris Hedges: On the Future

The Web of Precariousness by Gaither Stewart

The Economy Sucks and or Collapse 2

5 thoughts on “35,000 protest before G20 meet + G20 Put People First Demonstration

  1. Pingback: G20 protests rock London’s financial area + G20 What happened « Dandelion Salad

  2. Pingback: Geithner’s Oligarchs + G20 - Make or Break? « Dandelion Salad

  3. Pingback: Five youths held under UK Terrorism Act for alleged G20 plot « Dandelion Salad

  4. turn those security camera’s around and record the
    G-2-0-bama meeting, Let’s see their faces and the plan for the common w/man !
    Beside there are only 20 miserable wrechtedly greedy miser’s to watch.
    Less expensive than oppressing the economy crisis movement, you know the unemployed, homeless, unschooled, tired mass’.
    Bobbies, you posititons are also at risk, arieal survailance, street survailance, reduces the need for police, just security monitor watcher’s..

    • Hi..just a quick..I AGREE… these closed door shenanigan’s have got to stop.
      We’re in good shape here compared to the rest of the world but at what cost?…

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