The “Nightmare Act” Is No Dream by Philip A. Farruggio

by Philip A. Farruggio
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
December 25, 2010

Once again, the powerful and diabolical Military Industrial Complex , through its Pentagon and congressional lackeys, is on the verge of another con job. This time it’s the left of center Americans and the congressional Democrats who are being used for the long haul agenda. What am I referring to? They call it The Dream Act , and it is supposed to help the children of the undocumented (I refuse to call them Illegal Aliens) fast track to US citizenship. Sounds like a decent and progressive idea, right? Well, look again at this Dream Act. The wording of it states that children of the undocumented can become US citizens by either A) finishing 2 years of college or B) serving in the military.

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