State of the Union Reaction from Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) (vid)

Dandelion Salad

by Jay Tamboli
January 29th, 2008

Video link (no longer available)


Updated: Jan. 30, 2008


Added: January 30, 2008


SOTU: Impeach/Remove/Jail by Davis Fleetwood (video)

Biden, Webb, McCain & Obama respond to Bush’s SOTU (vids)

Olbermann: SOTU + The Florida Factor + Worst + Bushed!

Bush’s Final State of the Union Speech 01.28.08 (video; transcript)

11 thoughts on “State of the Union Reaction from Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) (vid)

  1. Pingback: SOTU: Impeach/Remove/Jail by Davis Fleetwood (video) | Dandelion Salad

  2. Pingback: Bush’s Final State of the Union Speech 01.28.08 (video; transcript) « Dandelion Salad

  3. I love Dennis! Everybody should still vote for him if he’s on your ballot or Mike Gravel, do not vote for CFR scum they want to take over your life and freedom!!!

    Dennis Kucinich, Mike Gravel and Ron Paul are your only hope!!! Go to you tube and type in CFR, and candidates who are CFR members, and the North American Union, and the New World Order, and help us stop this!!

  4. The corporate media purposely killed the Kucinich campaign while the Democratic party stood by and did nothing. This in itself should serve to make more of us aware of the trouble our democracy is in. I still find it difficult to believe that such a small percentage of Americans support this man’s integrity and equitable vision of sustainability for America and the planet.. Wake up America!

  5. Pingback: One Bush Left Behind by Greg Palast « Dandelion Salad

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