Hear Voices? It May Be an Ad, by Andrew Hampp

Dandelion Salad

By Andrew Hampp
December 10, 2007

An A&E Billboard ‘Whispers’ a Spooky Message Audible Only in Your Head in Push to Promote Its New ‘Paranormal’ Program

NEW YORK (AdAge.com) — New Yorker Alison Wilson was walking down Prince Street in SoHo last week when she heard a woman’s voice right in her ear asking, “Who’s there? Who’s there?” She looked around to find no one in her immediate surroundings. Then the voice said, “It’s not your imagination.”

Indeed it isn’t. It’s an ad for “Paranormal State,” a ghost-themed series premiering on A&E this week. The billboard uses technology manufactured by Holosonic that transmits an “audio spotlight” from a rooftop speaker so that the sound is contained within your cranium. The technology, ideal for museums and libraries or environments that require a quiet atmosphere for isolated audio slideshows, has rarely been used on such a scale before. For random passersby and residents who have to walk unwittingly through the area where the voice will penetrate their inner peace, it’s another story.


From the archives:

Intrusive Brain Reading Surveillance Technology: Hacking the Mind by Carole Smith

On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology by Carole Smith

5 thoughts on “Hear Voices? It May Be an Ad, by Andrew Hampp

  1. Pingback: New Instruments of Surveillance & Social Control: Wireless Technologies which Target the Neuronal Functioning of the Brain | Dandelion Salad

  2. Pingback: Report: Nonlethal Weapons Could Target Brain, Mimic Schizophrenia « Dandelion Salad

  3. Pingback: Non-Lethal, Active Denial, Genetically modified, Scientifically crafted Terrorism « Dandelion Salad

  4. Pingback: Death Ray Replaced By The Voice of God (ADS; LRAD) « Dandelion Salad

  5. This practice should be made illegal immediately! They aren’t paying to use our heads as radio stations and have no right to do so.

    With legitimate broadcast media, one chooses to be a listener or viewer. In the case of a few media (such as billboards and transit placards), we can’t choose not to see what’s printed in front of us, but we can easily identify it as paid promotion and look away.

    To have any advertiser use our own brains as their medium and invade our consciousness without our inviting this or at least understanding its source and being able to stop the message at will is unprecedented and ghoulishly horrible.

    I’m afraid this development very closely connects with Carole Smith’s recent blog published here — Intrusive Brain Reading Surveillance Technology: Hacking the Mind— which I strongly recommend to you, if you missed reading it.

    Frightful techniques for mind control are being developed and they need to be pronounced unethical and unlawful at once.

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