Sodastream presents…How to profit from Occupation, Oppression and Apartheid

Boycott SodaStream Protest

Image by Mr. T in DC via Flickr

by Stephanie Westbrook
Guest Writer
Dandelion Salad
Jan. 19, 2013

stephinrome·Jan 15, 2013

Sodastream’s factory is in an llegal Israeli settlement built on land stolen from Palestinians. Each and every package contains human rights abuses and violations of international law. Boycott Sodastream. For more information:

from the archives:

“Join the Stream”: Sodastream´s phony commitment to the environment and real violations of international law

Yves Béhar, Sodastream is not ethical, so it cannot be beautiful!

Sodastream’s reply fails to convince

2 thoughts on “Sodastream presents…How to profit from Occupation, Oppression and Apartheid

  1. Pingback: The Twinning: Palestinian Children in Israeli Military Detention by Clive Hambidge « Dandelion Salad

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