American Foreign Policy – Have Our War Lovers Learned Anything? by William Blum

by William Blum
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
February 7, 2013

Over the past four decades, of all the reasons people over a certain age have given for their becoming radicalized against US foreign policy, the Vietnam War has easily been the one most often cited. And I myself am the best example of this that you could find. I sometimes think that if the war lovers who run the United States had known of this in advance they might have had serious second thoughts about starting that great historical folly and war crime.

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Syria, the story thus far + How many voters does it take to change a light bulb? by William Blum

by William Blum
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
October 3, 2012


Image by weeklydig via Flickr

Syria, the story thus far

“Today, many Americans are asking — indeed I ask myself,” Hillary Clinton said, “how can this happen? How can this happen in a country we helped liberate, in a city we helped save from destruction? This question reflects just how complicated, and at times, how confounding the world can be.” 1

The Secretary of State was referring to the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya September 11 that killed the US ambassador and three other Americans. US intelligence agencies have now stated that the attackers had ties to Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.2

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AFRICOM: Pentagon’s First Direct Military Intervention In Africa by Rick Rozoff

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by Rick Rozoff
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
August 24, 2009

The 2009 World Population Data Sheet published by the Washington, DC-based Population Reference Bureau states that the population of the African continent has surpassed one billion. Africans now account for over a seventh of the human race.

Africa’s 53 nations are 28% of the 192 countries in the world.

The size and location of the continent along with its human and natural resources – oil, natural gas, gold, diamonds, uranium, cobalt, chromium, platinum, timber, cotton, food products – make it an increasingly important part of a world that is daily becoming more integrated and interdependent.

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Iran: Whose side are you on continued…? By William Bowles

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By William Bowles
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
28 July 2009

Okay, the battle on the ‘left’ concerning who to support in Iran appears to come down to the following:

On the one hand we appear to have those who say that the mass demonstrations are solely the result of the West’s attempts to undermine and overthrow the existing regime, utilizing a ‘colour revolution’ similar to those used in the Ukraine and Georgia. And there can be no doubt that Western intelligence agencies are up to their necks in destabilization strategies (see below). If this is indeed true the question to ask is: Have Western agencies fomented or exploited the opposition and to what degree has it been a success as measured by the mass demonstrations and by elements of the Left supporting the demonstrations?

On the other side as it were, are those who say there is no foreign intervention, the mass movement is wholly indigenous and reflects growing opposition to the theocracy, or at the very least Western machinations are only incidental to the situation. A good example of this approach is advocated by Hamid Dabashi in his essay ‘Left is wrong on Iran’ where he says,

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Themes, Dreams and Schemes: Another Conservative in the White House; Arabs Without Oil by Chris Floyd

Dandelion Salad

Written by Chris Floyd
Tuesday, 10 July 2007

And now for a couple of clips from some of our favorite observers. First up, wise man Bill Blum considers the case of one of the more conservative candidates running for president: Hillary Clinton. Continue reading