Globalization Marches On By Noam Chomsky

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By Noam Chomsky
In These Times
March 26, 2010

Growing popular outrage has not challenged corporate power.

Shifts in global power, ongoing or potential, are a lively topic among policy makers and observers. One question is whether (or when) China will displace the United States as the dominant global player, perhaps along with India.

Such a shift would return the global system to something like it was before the European conquests. Economic growth in China and India has been rapid, and because they rejected the West’s policies of financial deregulation, they survived the recession better than most. Nonetheless, questions arise.


via Globalization Marches On — In These Times


Max Keiser Report №25: Kate Pickett + Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger

Is It Time for Law Abiding American Citizens to Stop Paying Their Taxes and Start a New Government? By David DeGraw

War, Racism and the Empire of Poverty – When Empire Hits Home, Part 1 by Andrew Gavin Marshall

Empire, Oligarchy and Democracy by Ralph Nader

The Zero Point of Systemic Collapse by Chris Hedges

Chomsky On Adam Smith (1995)

The Economy Sucks and or Collapse 2

Gérard Duménil: Greece, a crisis born of neo-liberal madness

March 09, 2010

Gérard Duménil: Cutting wages and social spending will make the crisis worse

Dr. Duménil is one of the world’s foremost theorists of neoliberalism and economic crisis and is the author of numerous influential books, many of which have been translated into several languages. These include Capital Resurgent: Roots of the Neoliberal Revolution (2004) and his forthcoming The Crisis of Neoliberalism: from the subprime to the great contraction.

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Goldman Sucks

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replaced video Dec. 11, 2010

StopFascismdotcom | July 17, 2009

This video is a visualization of Matt Taibbi’s “The Great American Bubble Machine”

It has been cut down slightly to fit the 10 minute time constraints. To read the original article click this link:…

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Keiser Report №21: One downgrade away from the end of the US empire + the Bubble Baron campaign

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March 02, 2010

This time Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on the scandals of Paul Volcker OverRuled; banks betting on Greek default; Goldman ‘envy’ and one downgrade away from the end of the US empire. Keiser also speaks to Kevin Connor of about their Bubble Baron campaign.

on vodpod: Keiser Report №21: Markets! Finance! Scandal!


IMF-Style Austerity Measures Come To America: What “Fiscal Responsibility” Means To You by Dr. Ellen Brown + I.O.U.S.A.

Greek workers refuse to pay for crisis

Debt Dynamite Dominoes: The Coming Financial Catastrophe by Andrew Gavin Marshall

F. William Engdahl: Goldman helped create Greek financial crisis

Greek people resist paying for crisis

February 16, 2010

Engdahl: Goldman helped create Greek financial crisis and now EU and IMF want people to pay

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The Battle of the Titans: JPMorgan vs. Goldman Sachs Or Why the Market Was Down for 7 Days in a Row by Dr. Ellen Brown

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by Dr. Ellen Brown
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
Jan. 29, 2010

We are witnessing an epic battle between two banking giants, JPMorgan Chase (Paul Volcker) and Goldman Sachs (Geithner/Summers/Rubin). Left strewn on the battleground could be your pension fund and 401K.

The late Libertarian economist Murray Rothbard wrote that U.S. politics since 1900, when William Jennings Bryan narrowly lost the presidency, has been a struggle between two competing banking giants, the Morgans and the Rockefellers. The parties would sometimes change hands, but the puppeteers pulling the strings were always one of these two big-money players. No popular third party candidate had a real chance at winning, because the bankers had the exclusive power to create the national money supply and therefore held the winning cards.

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Kucinich Questioning Probes Goldman Sachs/AIG Myth

VLOGZHD on Jan 27, 2010

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithners denial that he played any role in the AIG cover-up is contradicted by emails which confirm that both Geithner and the New York Federal Reserve were both intimately involved in keeping details about payments to banks including Goldman Sachs from the public.

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Wall Street Will Be Back For More, by Chris Hedges

by Chris Hedges
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
Jan. 11, 2010

Corporations, which control the levers of power in government and finance, promote and empower the psychologically maimed. Those who lack the capacity for empathy and who embrace the goals of the corporation—personal power and wealth—as the highest good succeed. Those who possess moral autonomy and individuality do not. And these corporate heads, isolated from the mass of Americans by insular corporate structures and vast personal fortunes, are no more attuned to the misery, rage and pain they cause than were the courtiers and perfumed fops who populated Versailles on the eve of the French Revolution. They play their games of high finance as if the rest of us do not exist. And it is a game that will kill us.

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Capitalism: A Love Story (2009; must-see)

Dandelion Salad

Replaced video Dec. 29, 2021

Capitalism isn't working

Image by celesteh via Flickr

With both humor and outrage, Michael Moore’s Capitalism: A Love Story explores a taboo question: What is the price that America pays for its love of capitalism? Years ago, that love seemed so innocent. Today, however, the American dream is looking more like a nightmare as families pay the price with their jobs, their homes and their savings. Moore takes us into the homes of ordinary people whose lives have been turned upside down; and he goes looking for explanations in Washington, DC and elsewhere. What he finds are the all-too-familiar symptoms of a love affair gone astray: lies, abuse, betrayal…and 14,000 jobs being lost every day.

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Trickle-up Economics By Paul Craig Roberts

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Dandelion Salad

By Paul Craig Roberts
December 04, 2009 “Information Clearing House

Goldman Sachs senior executives are arming themselves with New York gun permits, according to Alice Schroeder on  The banksters “are now equipped to defend themselves if there is a populist uprising against the bank.”

One can understand why the banksters are worried. The company, now known as Gold Sacks, has a large responsibility for the financial crisis and the fraudulent “securities” that wrecked the world economy and Americans’ pensions. A former Gold Sachs CEO had control of the US Treasury during the Bush regime from which he diverted $750 billion to bail out the banks, thus supplying them with free capital. Gold Sachs made $27,000 million during the first three quarters of 2009 and is paying out massive bonuses, leaving the busted taxpayers with the debt and interest charges.

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Gerald Celente: The Greatest Bank Robbery in American History! + Celente: American Empire is Collapsing

Dandelion Salad

November 30, 2009

Video is no longer available.


Here is another similar video interview.

Celente: American Empire is collapsing Continue reading

Jane D’Arista: Democratize or replace The Fed (Parts 5-6)

Dandelion Salad

November 16, 2009

Anatomy of casino capitalism Pt.5

Jane D’Arista: The Fed should be replaced by a central bank run in the public interest

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Can the Goldman ponzi scheme happen again? (Part 5)

Dandelion Salad

The Real News Network


Greg Gordon: There is nothing that can prohibit or stop the Wall St. firms from making secret bets

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Low Road to High Finance – Goldman Sachs Sold Off Billions

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Dandelion Salad

Democracy Now!
Nov. 4, 2009

Low Road to High Finance: McClatchy Expose Reveals How Goldman Sachs Sold Off Billions in Mortgage Securities After Anticipating Housing Collapse

A five-month investigation by McClatchy Newspapers has revealed that Goldman Sachs made secret bets against the housing market while simultaneously selling off billions in soon-to-be worthless securities. In 2006 and 2007, the bank reportedly peddled more than $40 billion in securities backed by at least 200,000 risky home mortgages, but never told the buyers it was secretly betting that a sharp drop in US housing prices would send the value of those securities plummeting. We speak to McClatchy reporter Greg Gordon. [includes rush transcript]

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