Report from the Kidnapped Passengers in Ramle Prison + McKinney Relocated from Israeli Prison

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Dandelion Salad

Gaza activist talks to Al Jazeera from Israeli jail – 4 Jul 09

July 04, 2009

Fourteen people remain in custody after an aid ship bound for Gaza was seized by the Israeli navy on Tuesday. Among them are a nobel peace prize winner, and two Al Jazeera journalists. The Free Gaza movement sent the ship loaded with humanitarian supplies from Cyprus, in defiance of Israel’s crippling 2-year blockade.

Mairead Maguire, a peace activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner spoke to us from inside Tel Aviv’s Ramla Givon high security prison.

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Report from the Kidnapped Passengers in Ramle Prison, July 4, 2009

Written by Free Gaza Team
Sunday, 05 July 2009 11:21

On Monday, June 30, 21 passengers going to challenge the blockade of Gaza on board the Spirit of Humanity were seized by the Israeli Navy and taken to Israel against their will. All their equipment was taken and some of were roughed up. All were thrown into prison to await Israel’s decision on how and when they would be deported.

The majority of the group ended up in Ramle Prison. Those of us who are Free Gaza organizers had been hearing some news from them, statements, interviews and letters since they arrived. From the first night, the Free Gaza 21 have been busy trying to get news out of the prison about the illegality of Israel’s actions in relation to themselves and the other inmates inside Ramle Prison who have no voice.

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