Default: the Student Loan Documentary (full film)

Dandelion Salad

defaultmovie on Feb 16, 2013

Default: The Student Loan Documentary is a feature-length documentary chronicling the stories of borrowers from different backgrounds affected by the private student lending industry and their struggles to change the system.

In 2005 private student loans were exempted of ALL consumer protections. No matter when their loans were taken, many borrowers now find themselves in a paralyzing predicament of repaying two, three or multiple times the original amount borrowed, with no bankruptcy protection, no cap on fees and penalties and no recourse to the law. The consequences are dire, with stories of borrowers in financial and emotional ruin.

We are happy to release the documentary for free online, for anyone who wants to learn more about student debt and for groups who want to organize for change.

A film by Serge Bakalian and Aurora Meneghello

2 thoughts on “Default: the Student Loan Documentary (full film)

  1. Pingback: Exclusive: The student loan racketeering industry needs to be investigated! « Dandelion Salad

  2. I believe that Christ even spoke out against usuary in the Bible. . . Of course, at that time societies were not as ruled by the “love of money” as they are now.

    These are strange statements for an agnostic athiest to be making.

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