Iran, Pakistan sign gas pipeline deal

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March 16, 2010

Iran and Pakistan have signed a deal to construct a pipeline connecting the two neighboring countries, a project that was strongly opposed by the US.

Pakistan has argued that the pipeline, which will connect Iran’s South Pars gas field with Pakistan’s Balochistan and Sindh provinces, is essential for efforts to meet its energy needs.

“It’s in our legitimate economic interests,” Pakistani Foreign Ministry spokesman Abdul Basit said after the deal was signed on Tuesday.

He stated that construction of the pipeline should begin this year and it should become operational by 2014, The Wall Street Journal reported.

According to the terms of the final deal, Iran will supply 750 million cubic feet of gas per day to Pakistan for 25 years.

The US administration tried to block the deal to put more economic pressure on Tehran over its nuclear program.

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2 thoughts on “Iran, Pakistan sign gas pipeline deal

  1. every thing one needs to know about this is in Brezinkis book ”the grand chessboard”–eurasian hegemony . he nailed this back in the 1990’s.

  2. It’s good to see that some countries apparently get it that falling for the divide and conquer strategy is in no one’s real interests.

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