Is the World Too Big to Fail? + The US does not care about Pakistan By Noam Chomsky

By Noam Chomsky
April 21, 2011

Noam Chomsky at the World Social Forum in 2003...

Image via Wikipedia

The Contours of Global Order

The democracy uprising in the Arab world has been a spectacular display of courage, dedication, and commitment by popular forces — coinciding, fortuitously, with a remarkable uprising of tens of thousands in support of working people and democracy in Madison, Wisconsin, and other U.S. cities. If the trajectories of revolt in Cairo and Madison intersected, however, they were headed in opposite directions: in Cairo toward gaining elementary rights denied by the dictatorship, in Madison towards defending rights that had been won in long and hard struggles and are now under severe attack.

Each is a microcosm of tendencies in global society, following varied courses. There are sure to be far-reaching consequences of what is taking place both in the decaying industrial heartland of the richest and most powerful country in human history, and in what President Dwight Eisenhower called “the most strategically important area in the world” — “a stupendous source of strategic power” and “probably the richest economic prize in the world in the field of foreign investment,” in the words of the State Department in the 1940s, a prize that the U.S. intended to keep for itself and its allies in the unfolding New World Order of that day.

Despite all the changes since, there is every reason to suppose that today’s policy-makers basically adhere to the judgment of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s influential advisor A.A. Berle that control of the incomparable energy reserves of the Middle East would yield “substantial control of the world.” And correspondingly, that loss of control would threaten the project of global dominance that was clearly articulated during World War II, and that has been sustained in the face of major changes in world order since that day.


via Tomgram: Noam Chomsky, Who Owns the World? | TomDispatch


The unflattering perspective – Part I: ‘The US does not care about Pakistan’

by Noam Chomsky
The Express Tribune
April 19, 2011

“The US doesn’t care about Pakistan, just like the Reagan administration didn’t care about either Afghanistan or Pakistan,” says Chomsky, when asked how he sees the relationship between Pakistan and the US. “They supported Zia, the worst dictator in Pakistan’s history, and pretended they didn’t know that Pakistan was developing nuclear weapons. So basically they supported Pakistan’s nuclear weapon programme and radical Islamisation in their bid to defeat the Russians. And that has not helped Pakistan.”


via The unflattering perspective – Part I: ‘The US does not care about Pakistan’ – The Express Tribune


Noam Chomsky on Obama, the financial crisis, the Middle East and more

One thought on “Is the World Too Big to Fail? + The US does not care about Pakistan By Noam Chomsky

  1. Is the world too big to fail? What does that mean? We are on the verge of the 6th Mass Extinction — this one far worse than any before, and this one is created by US, by humans. The entire planet, all life as we know it, are at risk. The bee colonies are already collapsing and life on this planet will not survive the loss of bees, as they are a cornerstone species. We are not too big to fail. We are too big. Period. Human beings are the locusts of this planet, of this solar system. Like a virus that requires a living host until it kills them all off, we are killing our host and ourselves in the process.

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