Don’t be a Nader Hater by Rich

by Rich
Featured writer
Dandelion Salad
Rich’s blog post
Thumb Jig
Feb. 29, 2008

Ralph Nader after the speech - Green Lecture

Image by Dandelion Salad via Flickr

On the day Ralph Nader announced his bid for the White House the subsequent media coverage didn’t examine his policy proposals or his lifelong commitment to consumer protection; they didn’t mention Ralph, the champion of populism, or Ralph, the corporate dragon-slayer. No, all they cared to squawk about was Ralph, the spoiler.

CNN interviewed one of Al Gore’s campaign advisers who suggested we all ignore Nader. So much for John Stuart Mill’s concept of a marketplace of ideas. Many Democrats — that is to say people who vote Democratic — are buying into the notion that this is “the most important election of our lifetime”. No it’s not. A case could be made for the Bush/Kerry 2004 contest, but if you think Clinton, Obama or McCain will introduce any sweeping systemic reforms think again. Continue reading