Transhumanism Messiah Ray Kurzweil’s transgender alterego

By Ignorance Isn’t Bliss
Featured writer
Dandelion Salad
March 9, 2008

The frontman of the Technological-Singularity/Transhumanism/Posthumanism Movement, Ray Kurzweil, makes his film debut and first book-to-film adaptation in one swoop.

“The Singularity is Near: A True Story About the Future.”

It seems to be a pseudo-documentary fiction tale wrapped around Ray’s version of future reality. It involves his masculine transgender woman alter-ego, Ramona, somehow saving humanity from a nanobot (“Grey Goo“) apocalypse.

Transgender “Ramona”:


video no longer available


[Updated: Aug. 14, 2014]

The Singularity Is Near Movie Trailer

The Singularity Is Near (The Movie)

Here’s the poster:


And the alternate:


It’s worth noting that Ray takes over 250 nutritional supplements per day, in his quest to stay alive long enough to gain technology driven ‘immortality’. According to his impressive projections, human brain/mind “Uploading“, along with brain augmentation and sophisticated neural implants should be possible by about that time.

It’s my guess that he intends to be physically near-immortal, with a godlike software version of himself in cyberspace, whereas he’s a “god” both physically and virtually, with each aspect of himself interconnected via his Internet satellite uplinked neural implants. But for now he has to settle as the fictional messiah ((physical) savior of mankind) via Ramona in this soon to be released film.

Also in this film, infomercial motivational speaker course Tony Robbins, and Zionist zealot Alan Dershowitz join Kurzweil’s ranks.

Anthony Robbins

Kurzweil also has an upcoming (2008) ‘viography’ (my word) documentary film, “Transcendent Man“, all about him and his life.

In Kurzweil’s world, truths such as our hegemonic overlord masters utilizing the same sorts of technologies he advocates for dystopian purposes is nonexistent. Just focus your concerns at the technologies as being the threat. As Ray himself describes in his solution to AGI driven human enslavement, ‘we’ll make friendly AI’s to balance it’. And the AGI outcome is still only part of the threat. If the “hard takeoff” AGI event could be somehow controlled or avoided, we’re still dealing with the same system I question so often being able to use the various technologies against us. Everything will be OK. Go back to bed “America”.

So is Kurzweil deluded? Not completely. His projections do make a lot of sense. They really give the impression that human level AI (AGI) will come both inevitably and almost naturally by around 2029. But he leaves ‘unnatural’ Manhattan-Project-like programs and initiatives (DARPA + NASA + Google) out of the discussion in his books, and even sidesteps the subject in interviews. This should be of no surprise as over 25 years ago he was being funded by NIST, NSF, NSA, DARPA, etc.

So not only is he the frontman of the Transhumanism movement, he’s also a stooge for the Military Industrial Complex via being a whitewasher for the Defense & Technology wings of the Ruling Establishment. He’s given a gold-trimmed marble platform by the Establishment’s Media to persuade the masses now for something he says will be another 20 years away, meanwhile the interests he represents intend to make it a reality in roughly 5 years.



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