Orwellian Doublethink: “Nationalize the banks.” “Free Markets.” by Prof. Michael Hudson

by Prof. Michael Hudson
Dandelion Salad
February 23, 2009

The language of deception

Banking shares began to plunge Friday morning after Senator Dodd, the Connecticut Democrat who is chairman of the banking committee, said in an interview with Bloomberg Television that he was concerned the government might end up nationalizing some lenders “at least for a short time.” Several other prominent policy makers – including Alan Greenspan, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve, and Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina – have echoed that view recently. (Eric Dash, “Growing Worry on Rescue Takes a Toll on Banks,” The New York Times, February 20, 2009)

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A Choice Between Peace and Peril by Chris Hedges

by Chris Hedges
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
February 23, 2009

Bibi Netanyahu’s assumption of power in Israel sets the stage for a huge campaign by the Israeli government, and its well-oiled lobby groups in Washington, to push us into a war with Iran.

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Tortured Gitmo Detainee Released To Great Britain + Freed detainee ‘happy to be home’

Dandelion Salad



February 23, 2009 BBC World

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Freed detainee ‘happy to be home’


A British resident detained at Guantanamo Bay for more than four years has said he is “extraordinarily happy to be home” in the UK.

Ethiopian-born Binyam Mohamed, 30, was released on Monday afternoon after he landed at RAF Northolt in London and underwent questioning by police.

Mr Mohamed says he was tortured while in custody on suspicion of terrorism.


via BBC NEWS | UK | Freed detainee ‘happy to be home’

h/t: Dan


Freed, British detainee details abuses

By Warren Richey | Staff writer
and Ben Quinn | Correspondent
from the February 24, 2009 edition

Binyam Mohamed returned to London Monday a free man after spending the past seven years in a tangle of military prison camps, where he claims he was tortured.

LONDON – A British resident, once accused of plotting with Al Qaeda to detonate a radiological “dirty bomb,” is a free man and is now calling for an investigation into his alleged torture at the behest of the US government.

Binyam Mohamed was released from a cell at the Guantánamo terror prison camp in Cuba early Monday, where he had been held since September 2004. He was flown by private jet to a British military base near London, where he met with his legal team and doctors.


via Freed, British detainee details abuses | csmonitor.com

h/t: Dan


Freed Guantanamo prisoner links UK with torture – 23 Feb 09


British resident, Binyam Mohamed, released from Guantanamo Bay prison after four years in captivity, has told how he was abducted, jailed and then tortured.

He’s endured what he called medieval torture – but he says his lowest moment was realising that British intelligence officials conspired in his maltreatment.

Al Jazeera’s Mark Seddon reports.

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‘A Brit tortured in Guantanamo’

CIA made Rolling Stone satire into dirty bomb plot: report + How Bush Threatened Britain

Torture on Dandelion Salad



Suspend military aid to Israel, Amnesty urges Obama after detailing US weapons used in Gaza

Dandelion Salad

by Rory McCarthy in Jerusalem
The Guardian
Monday 23 February 2009 Continue reading

Gazan children psychologically damaged after war

Dandelion Salad

لا إله إلا الله

Aid agencies say the psychological effects of the Israeli offensive on Gaza have been heavy, particularly on children.

Al Jazeera’s Jonah Hull talks to one nine year old boy about his experiences and how he is dealing with them now.

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I Want You To Be Responsible by Bruce Gagnon


by Bruce Gagnon
featured writer
Dandelion Salad
Organizing Notes
Feb. 22, 2009

President Obama will hold a “fiscal responsibility summit” in Washington next Monday with the goal of reining in government spending. Watch out.

With our federal budget deficit heading toward $1.4 trillion this year, or nearly 10% of our overall economy, something must be done. Look out.

Obama adviser John Podesta says the summit is the first step in a process to help the public “understand how the financial balance sheet of the federal government comes back into order.”

Translation: Middle class and poor folks are going to really get nailed.

According to the Washington Post Obama’s team has invited big business, economists and a range of other “special interests” to the event which will feature five breakout sessions. Larry Summers (refer to Naomi Klein interview here) will lead the discussion on Social Security. Hold onto your hat.

Former Republican senator John Danforth calls it a “media event.” He’s right, they are preparing the American people for the clamp-down.

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Social Collapse Best Practices by Dmitry Orlov

Dandelion Salad


Long Now Foundation web site

Friday February 13, 02009
Dmitry Orlov – Social Collapse Best Practices

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Obama expands US military intervention in Pakistan

Dandelion Salad

By Barry Grey
23 February 2009

The Obama administration is significantly expanding the US military role in Pakistan beyond that pursued by the Bush administration, directly employing US military force against anti-government Pakistani guerrillas involved only marginally, if at all, in attacks on US forces in neighboring Afghanistan, according to a recent article in the New York Times.

The article, entitled “Obama Expands Missile Strikes Inside Pakistan” and authored by Mark Mazzetti and White House correspondent David E. Sanger, cites two separate missile strikes inside Pakistan carried out February 14 and February 16 as evidence that “the Obama administration has expanded the covert war run by the Central Intelligence Agency inside Pakistan, attacking a militant network seeking to topple the Pakistani government.”

via Obama expands US military intervention in Pakistan

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Google exposes US airbase in Pakistan used to launch drones + Exposed: Secret CIA Base For Drone Raids

Two US missile strikes in Pakistan in three days kill more than 60

Destabilizing Pakistan, America Plays with Fire by Tom Burghardt