US Bagram Airbase hit during Obama visit

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March 29, 2010

The US Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan has been hit by rockets during an official visit by President Barack Obama to the war-torn country.

Afghan officials told Press TV on Monday that three rockets targeted the airfield.

No damages or casualties have been reported; however, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, who claimed responsibility for the attack, said there were serious casualties inside the base.

He added that the incident occurred as the US president was leaving Bagram.

Obama landed at Bagram Air Base on Sunday and left Afghanistan after six hours. He met with Afghan President Hamid Karzai and US troops during his unannounced visit.

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5 thoughts on “US Bagram Airbase hit during Obama visit

  1. Pingback: Daniel Ellsberg: Our President Is Deceiving the American Public « Dandelion Salad

  2. My husband is a mainstream news follower and he says that this is not being reported by any main sources.

    Very interesting.

      • It’s not on any mainsteam internet media news sites even all these hours later. It’s only on truth telling alternative news sites.

        I tend to think that this incident would be excellent mainstream propaganda to push the agenda of “dismantling the taliban.” What a joke.

        I bet Obama is tripping out that there are people in the world that don’t believe his LIES. They don’t want his invasions and bombs, I mean, help. I think that I would recount my actions and words if someone bombed where I had just been spouting off ignorance. Of course, one needs an actual conscious to be aware of how wrong this all is and Obama Corp. does not show any signs that they have one.

  3. Pingback: Why I Hate Palm Sunday by Cindy Sheehan « Dandelion Salad

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