George Galloway, Lindsey German and Sami Ramadani: Hands Off Libya

Anti-cuts March

Image by quisnovus via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

on Apr 15, 2011

George Galloway: Hands Off Libya


Lindsey German- Hands Off Libya

on Apr 16, 201


Sami Ramadani- Hands Off Libya


Dennis Kucinich: Who are the rebels in Libya?

US-NATO Colludes with Islamic Extremism in Bahrain and Libya by Finian Cunningham

Libya: All About Oil, or All About Banking? by Ellen Brown

Michel Collon: Five Objectives of the United States In Africa

4 thoughts on “George Galloway, Lindsey German and Sami Ramadani: Hands Off Libya

  1. Pingback: U.S. Foreign Policy Should be Consistent and Honest by Dennis Kucinich « Dandelion Salad

  2. He is correct, empire is about leaving blood in its wake, sadly we are taking the way of Imperial Rome, but this time empire will be played for keeps. Let us pray…..

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