Christopher Hitchens and Michael Parenti Debate: Iraq and the Future of US Foreign Policy (2005)

with Michael Parenti
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
Michael Parenti Blog
Dec. 23, 2011

Here is a debate held at Wesleyan University in 2005 between Christopher Hitchens and me. Hitchens went to his grave as a supporter of the Bush/Cheney venture. He supported Bush in 2004. His turn to the right (from weak leftish/center) won him the attention of all the mass media, especially Fox and the like, and lecture invitations at fat fees. Others of us were less enthralled about his anti-Islam warrior politics.

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Eva Golinger: The Goal is Regime Change

Dandelion Salad

Bashar al-Assad

Image by sharnik via Flickr

on Dec 23, 2011

On Friday in Syria’s capital, Damascus, two suicide car bombs shook the city. The attacks are in the midst of the arrival of the Arab League’s advanced team and claimed the lives of 40 people. Protesters in the country are rising up against the Basher al-Assad regime, and the Arab League team was deployed to assure the Syrian government had stopped cracking down on protesters. Are these bombings an isolated incident? Eva Golinger, lawyer and author, joins us to discuss what is going on.

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