Noam Chomsky: The Occupy movement just lit a spark

Dandelion Salad

 Madondo's Occupy Ottawa Experience 2

Image by Obiemad via Flickr

with Noam Chomsky
July 6, 2012

‘If you’re rich and powerful you never have enough’. In this full-length interview, Gary Younge talks to US historian and philosopher Noam Chomsky about why the Occupy movement is so important, where it goes from here, and how it will affect the election.

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Chris Hedges: Corporate Capitalism Will Quite Literally Kill Us

with Chris Hedges
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
July 3, 2012

Camden NJ street scene

Image by Blake W.B. via Flickr

Jul 3, 2012 by TheAlyonaShow

That’s what our guest tonight argues in his latest book, by travelling to, and documenting life and the destruction of it in so called, “sacrifice zones”. This includes the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota; the city of Camden, N.J.; the now leveled mountains of West Virginia; and the migrant-worker camps that resemble modern day slavery of southwest Florida. So why are they sacrifice zones? Because both human beings and the natural world have been used and then discarded to maximize earnings in a marketplace that rules without constraints. Continue reading