Capitalism, Imperialism, and their Genocidal Consequences by Rainer Shea

Capitalism, Imperialism, and their Genocidal Consequences by Rainer Shea

Screenshot by Dandelion Salad via Flickr

by Rainer Shea
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Rainer Shea: Anti-Imperialist Journalist, Aug. 7, 2019
September 8, 2019

The story of how America became an empire is one where a group of ambitious and egotistical men rationalized implementing a governing model which would lead to massive death and suffering. Its main forerunner was Theodore Roosevelt, a narcissistic politician from an upper-class household who was determined to turn his childhood obsession with war into a foreign policy model which would make the United States into a conquering nation. He and the other political elites who supported the Spanish-American War and the subsequent rush to empire received support from William Randolph Hearst, the businessman who used his vast newspaper network to manufacture public opinion for war because war stories would help him sell papers better than the lurid gossip that he otherwise used to gain the public’s attention.

As documented in historian Stephen Kinzer’s book The True Flag: Theodore Roosevelt, Mark Twain, and the Birth of American Empire, these figures developed an ideology of social and historical myopia in order to sell their imperial ambitions to the public. They ridiculed the idea that the American imperialist project was based on greed. They dismissed warnings from the opponents of intervention that the U.S. empire would follow in the same path as Rome and all of history’s other empires. They promoted news stories designed to incite war hysteria, along with racist theories about the need to complete manifest destiny, while embracing the business interests that would benefit from the ensuing wars and territory grabs.

Since then, the U.S. and the world’s other core imperialist nations have functioned amid the same paradigm of violently exploiting weaker countries. This situation has continued, and has been allowed to develop into the formation of the largest empire in history, because the first world hasn’t addressed that its economic and political model is inextricably related to genocide.

By varying definitions, genocide is the natural result of capitalism and empire. Within the core imperialist nations, there’s the genocidal violence that poor people, LGBT people, and marginalized races endure, wherein these groups are subjected to police violence, mass incarceration, and the deprivation of essential resources. These types of violence, which are inherent to capitalism, find larger-scale parallels abroad when capitalism is engaged in imperialism.

In his book Capitalism: A Structural Genocide, Garry Leeche examines the effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement on the people of Mexico (wherein the country’s economy was ruined and much of the population was pushed into poverty), the fact that trade liberalization and genetically-modified seeds have lead to increased suicides among Indian agriculturalists, the malnourishment and deaths from preventable diseases that have been caused by the artificial impoverishment of the global south, and the humanitarian consequences of the ever-worsening climatic and environment crises. As Javier Sethness writes in a review of the book, Leeche concludes by “recommending the socialist alternative as a concrete means of abolishing genocide.”

Such examples of how capitalism and empire create genocide represent just a few of the ways that these systems entail the mass killing and collective traumatization of the people who the power structure sees as disposable. This death machine works in cycles, with the atrocities that Leeche listed being only a few of the steps that the cycles include.

NAFTA and the American corporatocracy’s other moves to exploit the third world have resulted in refugee crises wherein the victim populations seek out new lives in the wealthier countries, like has been the case with the movement towards immigration into America from Mexico. This results in racist immigration laws and xenophobic sentiments within the imperialist nations, as we’re now seeing throughout North America, Europe, New Zealand, and Australia amid the global influx of refugees. These trends end in capitalist governments meeting the desperate pleas for help from the victims of capitalism with ethnically motivated state violence, a horror that the Trump administration has been escalating through its inhumane and often deadly treatment of the children in U.S. migrant detention centers.

The proliferation of neoliberal policies throughout the third world, as well as the imposition of the neo-colonial systems that keep the colonized nations poor, have been imposed through wars that the imperialist nations have waged against the victim populations. The destructive neoliberalism that’s afflicted South Korea, as well as the U.S. empire’s deadly campaign to economically strangulate North Korea, are both historically intertwined with the genocidal war that the U.S. and South Korea waged against the DPRK seventy years ago. The 2003 invasion of Iraq has caused not just hundreds of thousands of deaths in the Middle East and spawned terrorist groups like ISIS, but created the opportunity for the U.S. to impose neoliberal hyper-capitalism onto the post-Hussein government. The effort from the U.S. to depose Venezuela’s Chavista government and install a neoliberal regime in the country is being carried out through sanctions which have so far killed around 40,000 Venezuelans.

These methods of violently enforcing global capitalism around the world, whether the method is economic sanctions or direct warfare, are done with the goal of causing bodily and mental harm to the people of the disobedient countries. This is how Israel operates in its campaign to terrorize the Palestinian people into ceding their land to the Zionist project; deliberately killing Palestinian children and civilians, tightly policing Palestinian political speech, demolishing Palestinian homes, and keeping Palestinians within Israel’s territory under apartheid are Israel’s tools for trying to make the Palestinian people accept being colonized.

As the collapse of capitalism and the U.S. empire continues, it will become increasingly apparent that Gaza is an experimenting ground for the more extreme measures that the global oligarchs will use to hold onto their control.

Following in the pattern of past empires, the tyranny that the U.S. has imposed abroad is now manifesting within the heart of the empire. The torture that the U.S. used against prisoners in the Vietnam War has been used in America’s secret prisons throughout the War on Terror. The covert government propaganda that the U.S. has long flooded the world with has in recent years come to be used on the American people in the same proportions. Excess army equipment from America’s recent wars have been imported to the U.S. so that the country’s police departments can use it to inflict violence against poor people. The decline of American power and the continuation of the climate crisis will take these trends to their extreme, making capitalism’s cycles of violence conclude in an unprecedented catastrophe.

The most brutal policies that the U.S. empire has imposed abroad-like the wholesale suppression of dissent and an extermination policy against disfavored ethnic groups-will move closer towards realization within America. Climate change will continue to exacerbate the global refugee crisis, leading to rising ethnic nationalism and additional concentration camps. Climate change-created destabilization and the destructive effects of neoliberalism will drive more and more people into poverty, prompting the government to impose militarized police control to mitigate the resulting unrest. Corporations will facilitate these moves towards border militarization, increased migrant detention, and expanded private security systems in order to profit from the crisis.

The people at the center of the system have admitted that this is essentially the direction which American society will go in as imperial collapse and the climate crisis threaten the empire’s power. In June of 2017, the Pentagon put out a study which stated that American power is “fraying” and may in fact be “collapsing,” and it recommended the following measures for defending what it calls the “status quo” of global power: using war campaigns to subdue worldwide “revolutionary forces” like China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, which are collectively threatening to edge out America on the world stage; increased government propaganda and more thorough utilization of America’s surveillance system to combat civil unrest; and military expansionism whose aggressive nature is articulated as follows:

“While as a rule, U.S. leaders of both political parties have consistently committed to the maintenance of U.S. military superiority over all potential state rivals, the post-primacy reality demands a wider and more flexible military force that can generate ad­vantage and options across the broadest possible range of military demands. To U.S. political leadership, maintenance of military advantage preserves maximum freedom of action… Finally, it allows U.S. decision-makers the opportunity to dictate or hold significant sway over outcomes in international disputes in the shadow of significant U.S. military capability and the implied promise of unac­ceptable consequences in the event that capability is unleashed.”

This declaration of intent to use military force to cajole nations and movements which are disobedient to the empire’s agenda is further clarified in the part from the report which frames the “Persistent Conflict 2.0” of our era as a confrontation between global capitalism and its opponents, saying: “some are fighting globalization and globalization is also actively fighting back. Combined, all of these forces are rending at the fabric of security and stable governance that all states aspire to and rely on for survival.”

This is the language that the purveyors of capitalism and empire are using as their more-than-a-century-old power establishment shows signs of disarray. The founders of the project for American imperialism, blindsided by their ambition and hubris, promised that there was no way the U.S. would fall into tyranny or lose its dominance like all past empires have. It’s a grotesque spectacle to see the modern day Roosevelts and Hearsts handle the collapse of the empire by applying the same violent and uncompromising logic that was used by their late 19th century forebears.

In a near future where imperial collapse will cripple the very foundations of global capitalism, and where a deteriorating climate will make it impossible for civilization as we know it to function, the genocidal aspects of capitalism will become brazen. Refugees, the people who become driven into poverty, and the groups deemed to represent “terrorism” and “subversion” will be targeted with state violence. The bulk of humanity that will be endangered by the climate crisis won’t receive help from a billionaire class that’s preparing to retreat into private luxury doomsday shelters while leaving the rest of us behind. As Naomi Klein has written about these implications of climate change on class relations:

“In an age of ever-widening income inequality, a significant cohort of our elites are walling themselves off not just physically but also psychologically, mentally detaching themselves from the collective fate of the rest of humanity. This secessionism from the human species (if only in their own minds) liberates the rich not only to shrug off the urgent need for climate action but also to devise ever more predatory ways to profit from current and future disasters and instability.”

While we fight against this global corporate military machine, it’s crucial for us to understand that the people at the top of the system are going to increasingly see us as disposable. Capitalism has always been a system that treats large numbers of the population like expendable resources, and this is how it will treat more and more people throughout the coming decades.

Rainer uses the written word to deconstruct establishment propaganda and to promote meaningful political action. His articles can also be found at Revolution Dispatch.

If you appreciate my work, I hope you become a one-time or regular donor to my Patreon account. Like most of us, I’m feeling the economic pinch during late-stage capitalism, and I need money to keep fighting for a new system that works for all of us. Go to my Patreon here.

From the archives:

Chris Hedges: How The Capitalist State Uses Fear To Maintain Control

U.S. Economic Warfare and Likely Foreign Defenses by Michael Hudson

To Survive: We Need A Global Awakening Much Bigger Than A “Revolution,” Much Deeper Than Just Ending Capitalism by Eric Schechter

Abby Martin and John Perkins: Corporate Assassins Determine World Order

Will Griffin: Militarism is Capitalism

A Terrible Normality by Michael Parenti

The Power Principle: Empire – Propaganda – Apocalypse (must-see)

Chris Hedges: Israel’s Secret Weapons–“Combat-Tested” Against the People of Gaza

11 thoughts on “Capitalism, Imperialism, and their Genocidal Consequences by Rainer Shea

  1. Pingback: The “Innocence” Of Early Capitalism Is Another Fantastical Myth, by Pete Dolack – Dandelion Salad

  2. Pingback: A Terrible Normality by Michael Parenti (2013) – Dandelion Salad

  3. Pingback: The Big Lie of the Fascists: That Climate Holocaust is Inevitable by Rainer Shea + Can Eco-Socialism Save The World? – Dandelion Salad

  4. Pingback: California’s Crises and The Prospects for Socialist Revolution by Rainer Shea + How Green Capitalism Fools People Into Not Pursuing Ecosocialist Revolution – Dandelion Salad

  5. Pingback: Counting Down to Civilization’s Collapse + Inequality, Climate Change, and America’s Destabilization by Rainer Shea – Dandelion Salad

  6. Certainly the US empire bears some resemblance to previous empires; but it is different in some ways too.

    One difference is that the very notion of “empire” may be unacceptable to the non-ruling part of society. A few years ago a few edgy pundits began mentioning the “US empire,” but until then it was largly taboo for pundits in the “mainstream” (corporate) press to refer to the USA as an “empire.” Such a thing would be shameful, in the view of the voters — it would be unethical, by our present culture. The US empire was, in essence, covert. That is in contrast with many, perhaps most previous empires — for instance, at one time the British were proud to say that “the sun never sets on the British empire.”

    And if we are trying to guess the future, there are other important differences beyond just our attitude about empire. We are living in an unprecedented age. Never before have we had the internet, or the threat of ecosystem collapse, or very late-stage capitalism and (soon) total automation.

    • The “leftymathprof” reply to my comment appears to be the work of a troll rather than Eric Schechter, the man behind leftymathprof, whose essay “10,000 Year Revolution” harmonizes with my comment. This reply twists, turns, wiggles and squirms to give the impression that the US empire is not subject to the standard rise-and-fall trajectory of empires, that it is exceptional. It “bears some resemblance to previous empires”. OBVIOUSLY. What has that got to do with the discussion other than plant the impression of exceptionalism. The US army bears some resemblance to the legions of the Roman empire, but it’s an army all the same. So I repeat:
      “The principle of private property (the basis of empires) is nothing other than a vicious winner-takes-all battle where the Last Owner Standing dies.” from The One Thing You Need to Know About History at

      The Only History You Need

      • No, not a troll, I’m the same LeftyMathProf.

        We should distinguish between two meanings of “exceptional.” On the one hand, the USA tries to justify its many war crimes by claiming that it is the “exceptional nation,” that its wars are good wars, etc. Of course, I totally reject that.

        On the other hand, the era that we are living in is exceptional; I wrote an essay about that a few years ago. It is not intended as a justification for any of the USA’s crimes.

        An Unprecedented Age

        • All empires rise, consolidate and fall. Every single one of them without exception even though every single one of them was different from all the others, as was the times in which they ruled. Empires are the result of societies built on the basis of private property, a system where individuals “own” the resources of the earth. The US is a typical empire despite its differences from other empires and the particular prevailing conditions. And, as is typical for all empires, it is falling. Most empires never recover. Because of the condition of the world today, humanity may never recover the decline the US empire and definitely not the decline of the next one. If the social-economical system based on private property, which manifests itself as a money-oriented system today, cannot be replaced with a people-oriented system embracing communal property, humanity will not survive.

  7. The idea that the American empire began with Theodore Roosevelt is silly and naive.
    Thousands of years of history demonstrates the seemingly inevitable rise and fall of empires, whether feudal, theocratic, nomadic (Attila) or capitalistic. This is the standard course of development for societies based on private property as opposed to communal ownership.

    “The principle of private property is nothing other than a vicious winner-takes-all battle where the Last Owner Standing dies.” from The One Thing You Need to Know About History at

    The Only History You Need

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