Finian Cunningham: Julian: Let’s Take a Stand

Free Assange

Image by Antonio Marín Segovia via Flickr

by Finian Cunningham
Writer, Dandelion Salad
July 17, 2022

Finian Cunningham on Jul 11, 2022

Julian: Let’s Take a Stand, original song by journalist Finian Cunningham.

Dedicated to freedom for Julian Assange.

Song produced by John Rachel with video by Randy Martin.

You can support the creativity behind this song and video with a contribution. Bank account direct deposit info: SWIFT BOFIIE2D, IBAN IE61BOFI90334966257626

Finian Cunningham, is a columnist at the Strategic Culture Foundation, Sputnik, and a Writer on Dandelion Salad. He can be reached at

From the archives:

UK Home Secretary’s Certification of Assange Extradition puts Him at Risk + UK Home Secretary Approves Extradition of Julian Assange

Noam Chomsky, John Pilger, George Galloway, et al: If Wars Can Be Started By Lies, Peace Can Be Started By Truth

Certifying Julian Assange’s Extradition Puts Him at Great Risk + The Assange Family Struggle

John Pilger: The Supreme Court Refusal to Hear Julian Assange’s Appeal

Chris Hedges: Wedding Speech for Julian Assange + Craig Murray Barred From Attending the Wedding

4 thoughts on “Finian Cunningham: Julian: Let’s Take a Stand

  1. Pingback: Finian Cunningham and John Shipton: Daring to Hope for his Son Julian Assange – Dandelion Salad

  2. Pingback: John Pilger: This is a War of Propaganda – Dandelion Salad

  3. Julian Assange is one of my top heroes, perhaps the topmost one. And yet, being a contrarian, I can still find something to disagree with here.

    All over the world, there are lots of people saying “let’s take a stand” for one issue or another. The phrase “take a stand” suggests a one-time thing, a final thing. The phrase “choosing a hill to die on” has recently become popular in social media. That phrase suggests you can only take a stand once; you can only do it for one issue.

    Really, the many issues are all connected. But that fact is not obvious; on the surface the issues seem to vary widely. To be effective in taking a stand, we must be united, and for that we need to see how all the issues are connected.

    As I see it, all our problems stem from a cultural wrong turn that happened 12,000 years ago, a shift from community to self and separateness. I have written about that in anthropological terms in Our culture of selfishness is concretely manifested today in CAPITALISM. In I have written about the many ways that capitalism is the root of evil.

    A simple example: Julian Assange is imprisoned for exposing war crimes (though the “official” reasons given differ slightly from that). The wars are based on lies to make a few selfish rich men richer — i.e., capitalism. I would recommend taking a stand against capitalism, and make the freeing of Julian Assange just a corollary of that.

    • Lefty, have you read many of Finian’s articles here on Dandelion Salad? He’s a socialist and points to the ills of capitalism often. This is a beautiful, supportive song for Julian Assange.

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