Martin Sheen: What Weapon Currently Kills The Most In Wars Around The World?

The 3% Plan to End Starvation

Screenshot by Dandelion Salad via Flickr
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Dandelion Salad

“Here’s a proposal that could end starvation around the globe. Never again need a human being lack the food to live. Never again need a single child or adult suffer the horrors of starvation. Hunger as a danger to anyone can be made a thing of the past. All that is required, apart from basic skills in distributing resources, is 3 percent of the military budget of the United States, or 1.5 percent of all the military budgets in the world.” — World BEYOND War

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Martin Sheen: The Twin Dangers Facing Humanity

Martin Sheen: The Twin Dangers Facing Humanity

Screenshot by Dandelion Salad via Flickr
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Dandelion Salad

“As the environmental crisis worsens, thinking of war as a tool with which to address it, treating refugees as akin to military enemies, threatens us with the ultimate vicious cycle. Declaring that climate change causes wars misses the reality that we human beings cause war, and that unless we learn to address crises nonviolently we will only make them worse.” — Martin Sheen

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