Chomsky: How should NATO develop? Immediately disband.

Dandelion Salad

by Robert Harneis
02 April, 2009, 20:43

To mark the 60th NATO Anniversary Summit Noam Chomsky talked to Robert Harneis for RT on Kosovo, Afghanistan, as well as NATO – why it exists and its future. Professor Chomsky is a leading critic of NATO and US policy.

Q. A question asked more and more is ‘what is NATO for?’ If no one knows what it is for, why do you think it has survived 20 years after the end of the Cold War?

Professor Chomsky: Yes, that is the right question, isn’t it? You might ask why it lasted even one month after the end of the Cold War. Why did it survive? If you look back to when the Soviet Union collapsed, Gorbachev agreed to a quite remarkable concession. He agreed to let a united Germany join the NATO military alliance. Now it is remarkable in the light of history, the history of the past century, Germany alone had virtually destroyed Russia, twice, and Germany, backed by a hostile military alliance, centered in the most phenomenal military power in history, that’s a real threat. Nevertheless he agreed, but there was a quid pro quo, namely that NATO should not expand to the East, so Russia would at least have a kind of security zone. And George Bush and then-Secretary of State James Baker agreed that NATO would not expand one inch to the East. Gorbachev also proposed a nuclear free weapons zone in the region, but the US wouldn’t consider that. I don’t think they even replied to the proposal. So that was it, no more Soviet Union – game over.


via “How should NATO develop? Immediately disband.” | Politics from 2009-04-02 | RT.


NATO needs Russia – head of NATO


The head of NATO, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, gave his take on his organizations relations with Moscow during the ongoing alliances meeting.


NATO’s Sixty Year Legacy: Threat Of Nuclear War In Europe by Rick Rozoff

Chomsky: It should be remembered that Germany went to the depths of barbarism in 10 years

The Persistence of Cynicism by Noam Chomsky

Chomsky Interview with Michael Dranove