Wikileaks In Venezuela: Espionage, Propaganda And Disinformation By Eva Golinger

By Eva Golinger
Postcards from the Revolution
December 3, 2010

The first batch of recently released secret and confidential US State Department documents obtained by Wikileaks include over a dozen dispatches from the US Embassy in Caracas, Venezuela, evidencing espionage against the Chavez administration, use of opposition media and politicians as informants and insulting remarks about the country.

The Wikileaks release last Sunday, November 28, of over a quarter million US State Department cables obtained illegally has caused scandals worldwide over the methods, perspectives and dirty manuevering of US foreign policy. Almost no country or goverment is exempt from mention in the thousands of secret and classified documents, which are being released over a period of months in order to appreciate the quality of the information, while also subjecting Washington to a type of prolonged torture.

The first several hundred documents made public primarily originate from US embassies in Europe and the Middle East, as well as direct from the State Department and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton herself. But Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, classified as a “terrorist” and “enemy combatant” by the United States, has also released a select group of cables from US embassies in Latin America.

Approximately 14 documents so far have been published that were dispatched by the US Embassy in Caracas, though several other cables from different US embassies worldwide reference Venezuela and President Hugo Chavez. Of the documents released, the majority refer to Washington’s obsession with Venezuela’s relations with two particular countries: Cuba and Iran.


via Postcards from the Revolution


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