Ralph Nader Rips Obama for his Sit-Down with Corporate Barons


Ralph Nader after the speech - Green Lecture

Image by Dandelion Salad via Flickr

liamh2 | February 07, 2011

On Monday, Feb. 7, 2011, Peace and Justice activist Ralph Nader ripped President Barack Obama for his “anti-union stroll” across Lafayette Park to meet this morning with the “corporate barons” in the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. His comments came at sidewalk rally hosted by the National Nurses United/California Nurses Association and “other friends of Labor.” The demonstration was staged just north of Lafayette Park, in Washington, D.C.

Ralph Nader Rips Obama for his Sit-Down with Corporate Barons


Nader Nurses Protest Obama at Chamber

Singlepayeraction | February 07, 2011


Solomon, Nader, Cornel West and Chomsky: Building a Powerful Left in the U.S.

Death by Superbug by Ralph Nader

Ralph Nader and Ron Paul on The Federal Reserve, Military Spending, WikiLeaks and Health Care

Open Letter to President Obama: For justice and jobs by Ralph Nader