Noam Chomsky: U.S. Imperialism and Fake Democracy + transcript

Noam Chomsky.

Noam Chomsky. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Updated: Mar. 30, 2011 Added link to the transcript.

on Mar 15, 2011

Noam Chomsky (2011.03.13) – Amsterdam Westerkerk

Noam Talks About Egypt, Tunisia, Saudi, Bahrain, Iran, US Imperialism & Fake Democracy




Contours of Global Order: Domination, Instability, and Xenophobia in a Changing World

When we settled on the title for this talk, few could have guessed how apt it would prove to be when the time came — how dramatically the world would be changing, and how far-reaching are the implications for domestic and world order.

The democracy uprising in the Arab world has been a spectacular display of courage, dedication, and commitment by popular forces — coinciding, fortuitously, with a remarkable uprising of tens of thousands in support of working people and democracy in Madison Wisconsin and other US cities. One telling event occurred on Feb. 20, when Kamal Abbas send a message from Tahrir Square to Wisconsin workers, saying “We Stand With You as You Stood With Us.” Abbas is a leader of the years of struggle of Egyptian workers for elementary rights. His message of solidarity evoked the traditional aspiration of the labor movements: solidarity among workers of the world, and populations generally.

However flawed their record, labor movements have regularly been in the forefront of popular struggles for basic rights and democracy. In Tahrir Square, the streets of Madison, and many other places the popular struggles underway reach directly to the prospects for authentic democracy: for sociopolitical systems in which people are free and equal participants in controlling the institutions in which they live and work.


via Contours of Global Order: Domination, Instability, and Xenophobia in a Changing World


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