Shop, Satiate, Salute & Shut Up!! by Philip A. Farruggio

by Philip A. Farruggio
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
March 4, 2011

In George Lucas’s American Graffiti, the film opens with a Friday night in some Southern California town, circa 1962. Like with any Friday night anywhere at that time, we see teens and twenty somethings driving up and down the main avenues. It was a time to party, listen to rock and roll and forget about any future. The future didn’t exist… until tomorrow. In the mid to late 60s, in Brooklyn, NY, we too had those Friday nights in spring and summer. If you were a young man still in high school or going to college, Vietnam did not really matter.

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Is this Quantico or Abu Ghraib? by Dennis Kucinich

A Media Intervention for Wikileaks San Francis...

Image by Steve Rhodes via Flickr

by Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich
Washington, Mar 4, 2011

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) is today releasing letters from the Secretaries of the Defense and the Army that respond to repeated requests to visit with Private First Class (Pfc.) Bradley Manning, the soldier accused of leaking confidential materials to Wikileaks. Kucinich is releasing the letters after new allegations emerged of Manning being stripped naked and left in his cell for seven hours.

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Capturing the Millennial Demographic? by Joseph Natoli

by Joseph Natoli
Guest Writer
Dandelion Salad
March 4, 2011

“The Oscars tripped in their transition to a hipper, younger, media-mad future, attracting 12 percent fewer viewers than last year in the important 18-to-49 age bracket.” — Michael Cieply and Brooks Barnes, “Younger Audience Still Eludes the Oscars,” NY Times March 1, 2001

“European students live in societies where it becomes more difficult to collapse public life into largely private considerations. Students in these countries have access to a wider range of critical public spheres;
politics in many of these countries has not collapsed entirely into the spectacle of celebrity/commodity culture; left-oriented political parties still exist; and labor unions have more political and ideological clout than they do in the United States.”  — Henry A. Giroux, Left Behind? American Youth and the Global Fight for Democracy Truthout (

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Selling Out Injured Baby Rights, by Ralph Nader

by Ralph Nader
The Nader Page
March 4, 2011

New York State’s Governor Andrew Cuomo will be judged harshly by history if he doesn’t reverse his position supporting limiting the legal rights of brain damaged babies. Imagine a life-time $250,000 cap on pain and suffering and families having to endure a burdensome and humiliating struggle to get medical bills paid as they arise from an insurance funded entity.

Governor Cuomo is hiding behind the recommendations of his Medicaid Redesign Team, which has more than a sprinkling of hospital and industry lobbyists, and which was the stalking horse for this heartless proposal.

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IMF Rates Up Dictatorships Just Before Revolutions By Michael Collins

IMF Protest 03

Image by Agent_Rouge via Flickr

By Michael Collins
The Money Party
March 3, 2011

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) made an embarrassing error just two days before the start of the Libyan people’s revolution on February 17.  This quote from an IMF country study appeared in a previous article: “The outlook for Libya’s economy remains favorable.”IMF Feb 15 This advice was 180 degrees off target.  The Libyan economy has ceased functioning as protests and popular demands imploded the Gaddafi regime. (Image)

Further investigation unearthed a specific pattern of positive IMF endorsements for each of the nations experiencing popular uprisings that are sweeping the region.  When the IMF blesses a nation’s progress for conforming to the economic policies underlying globalism, watch out! There is a popular rebellion in the wings.

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