Richard Wolff: Capitalism’s Destructive Power + Wolff Urges End to Austerity, New Jobs Program, Democratizing Work

Dandelion Salad

Day 9 Occupy Wall Street September 25 2011 Shankbone 25

Image by david_shankbone via Flickr
·Mar 22, 2013

Richard Wolff’s smart, blunt talk about the crisis of capitalism on his first Moyers & Company appearance was so compelling and provocative, we asked him to return. This time, the economics expert dives further into income inequality, analyzing the widening gap between a booming stock market and a population that increasingly lives in poverty. Wolff also takes questions sent in from around the world by our viewers.

Wolff taught economics for 35 years at the University of Massachusetts and is now visiting professor at The New School University in New York City. His books include Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism and Capitalism Hits the Fan: The Global Economic Meltdown and What to Do About It.



A People’s Revolt in Cyprus: Richard Wolff on Protests Against EU Plan To Seize Bank Savings

democracynow·Mar 25, 2013 — The eyes of the financial world are on the small Mediterranean island of Cyprus today. The government of Cyprus has brokered a last-ditch $13 billion bailout deal with European officials to stave off the collapse of its banking sector. Under the deal, all bank deposits above approximately $130,000 will be frozen and used to help pay off the banking sector’s debts. An earlier version of the deal collapsed last week when Cypriots took to the streets to protest paying a tax of up to 10 percent on their life savings. The plan led to mass demonstrations as well as panicked bank withdrawals as Cypriots rushed to protect their savings. “It’s a demonstration of people power in this little corner of the world that’s very impressive and the basis, I think, for some optimism about opposition,” says Richard Wolff, economics professor emeritus at University of Massachusetts, Amherst and visiting professor at New School University. He is the author of several books including most recently, “Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism.”


Capitalism in Crisis: Richard Wolff Urges End to Austerity, New Jobs Program, Democratizing Work

democracynow·Mar 25, 2013 — As Washington lawmakers pushes new austerity measures, economist Richard Wolff calls for a radical restructuring of the U.S. economic and financial systems. We talk about the $85 billion budget cuts as part of the sequester, banks too big to fail, Congress’ failure to learn the lessons of the 2008 economic collapse and his new book, “Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism.” Wolff also gives FOX news host Bill O’Reilly a lesson in economics 101.


Moyers and Company: Richard Wolff: Taming Capitalism Run Wild

Ralph Nader: Income Inequality and The Minimum Wage (HR 1346)

A Safe and a Shotgun or Public Sector Banks? The Battle of Cyprus by Ellen Brown

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Government Debt and Deficits Are Not the Problem. Private Debt Is. by Michael Hudson

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Michael Hudson: Economic Policy Deception

Worker Owned Businesses Point to New Forms of Ownership

The Mondragon Experiment – Corporate Cooperativism (1980)