Hedges: War is a Soulless Void + Nader: End the Foreign Aid to Israel + Ellsberg and Others Arrested

with Chris Hedges
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
March 20, 2011

Updated: added another speech

on Mar 19, 2011

(3-19-2011) Chris Hedges is a journalist and columnist for Truthdig. This took place at Lafayette Park in front of the White House.

Chris Hedges @ Anti-War Rally


Ralph Nader @ Anti-War Rally

(3-19-2011) Ralph Nader is a Lebanese American attorney, author, lecturer, political activist, and four-time candidate for POTUS (Source:Wikipedia)


Veterans Demand Peace: 113 Arrested at White House

on Mar 19, 2011

On Saturday, March 19, 2011, Veterans for Peace led a rally and then a march on the White House. Organizers report 113 were arrested in an action of nonviolent public civil resistance. To learn more about this spirited event and the exact charges filed, go to: http://www.stopthesewars.org/



Daniel Ellsberg @ Anti-War Rally

Lafayette Park (3-19-2011) Daniel Ellsberg released the Pentagon Papers in the 1970’s.


Caneisha Mills @ Anti-War Rally


Voices for Peace Raised at March 19th White House Rally (No. 1 of 3)

Voices for Peace Raised at March 19th White House Rally (No. 2 of 3)

Voices for Peace Raised at March 19th White House Rally (No. 3 of 3)


Power Concedes Nothing Without a Demand by Chris Hedges

Afghan Police Protecting Protesters! + Former Afghan spy chief forms grassroots movement

Ralph Nader Calls for Impeachment of Obama + Daniel Ellsberg: Obama’s monarchical presidential powers

9 thoughts on “Hedges: War is a Soulless Void + Nader: End the Foreign Aid to Israel + Ellsberg and Others Arrested

  1. Pingback: To be a voice for Shahidullah by Kathleen Kirwin + Turning Decay To New Life by Bruce Gagnon « Dandelion Salad

  2. Pingback: Chris Hedges: War gives Meaning « Dandelion Salad

  3. I can think of no one else who has the guts to defy the powerful corporations, plus the experience and the wisdom to put this country back in the hands of its people.

    Ralph Nader, I agree, would be a great president.

  4. Pingback: Ralph Nader: ObamaBush, a seamless transition « Dandelion Salad

  5. Pingback: Daniel Ellsberg, Ann Wright and others arrested at Free Bradley Manning Protest « Dandelion Salad

  6. Pingback: The Body Baggers of Iraq by Chris Hedges « Dandelion Salad

  7. Wouldn’t it be a economical BOOM for America if Ralph Nader were president for next two years?

    Get rid of The Great Impostor in out White House.

    STOP the “industrial military Congressional complex” that creates hatred for America.
    STOP Sharia Law from trying to infiltrate our system of laws.
    STOP congress from supporting US TV News Media.
    STOP TV [USG] Journalism that supports White House propaganda against journalists who report LIES OF WAR and corrupt governments.
    STOP torture of Quanico VA Brig of Manning who tried to tell his own government of corruption of war [who refused to listen] and then sent [allegedly] info to Wikileaks and was put in Solitary Confinement as “traitor” & striped naked & video even his glasses taken in order to “break him” to confess anything they wanted him to say. Apparently has not worked yet. This is out of control Congress White House Administration.

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