Will New York be Just Another Sacrifice Zone so the Fossil Fuel Industry can Pollute Our Water, Contaminate Our Land and Frack Billions in Profits? by Jill Dalton

by Jill Dalton
Guest Writer
Dandelion Salad
October 8, 2012

Anti-Fracking Rally, Albany NY

Image by PilotGirl via Flickr

The woman standing at the podium may seem small and unassuming but don’t be fooled she’s a powerhouse and has a warning to share with the world. Vera Scroggins is a mother, a grandmother, resident of Susquehanna County, PA and a member of Citizens for Clean Water, a citizen-watch group of volunteers who keep an eye on the gas-drilling process by videotaping and keeping tabs on any problems or concerns. But today Vera’s in New York City at Saint John the Divine for the Global Frackdown and her message is loud and clear. “Don’t let them in.”

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The Nobel Peace Prize for War by Michael Parenti

Barack Obama - Second Term Flare-Ups

Image by DonkeyHotey via Flickr

by Michael Parenti
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
Michael Parenti Blog
October 18, 2012

Those who own the wealth of nations take care to downplay the immensity of their holdings while emphasizing the supposedly benign features of the socio-economic order over which they preside. With its regiments of lawmakers and opinion-makers, the ruling hierarchs produce a never-ending cavalcade of symbols, images, and narratives to disguise and legitimate the system of exploitative social relations existing between the 1% and the 99%.

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