Drone Warfare Dance: The Things We Make

Dandelion Salad

Drones protest by Codepink at Senator Feinstein's home

Image by Steve Rhodes via Flickr

Joe Friendly·Jan 31, 2013

Things We Make, a powerful theatrical dance exploration of the horrors of drone warfare directed by Shana Solomon at the Culture Project January 28, 2013 as part of their Blueprint For Accountability series. It preceded a conversation about drone warfare by Medea Benjamin, author of Drone Warfare, Killing By Remote Control, and Sarah Knuckey, co-author of the Stanford Law School and New York University Law School report “Living Under Drones,” moderated by Nermeen Shaikh of Democracy Now.


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4 thoughts on “Drone Warfare Dance: The Things We Make

  1. If only one of every ten Superbowl watchers saw this…. Too bad we couldn’t have equal time for all the Pentagon propaganda our tax dollars pay for.

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