No Indictment For #NYC Cop Who Killed Eric Garner + Almost Impossible to Indict a Cop

Eric Garner Protest Union Square to Rockefeller Center

Image by Dave Bledsoe via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

NYPD killer of Eric Garner to go free

RT on Dec 3, 2014

A New York City grand jury has decided not to indict the New York Police Department officer accused of killing the 43-year-old unarmed Eric Garner by putting him in a prohibited chokehold. The NYPD is now preparing for more protests stemming from the decision. RT’s Ameera David and Alexey Yaroshevsky have the latest details.

Eric Garner’s death at the hands of the NYPD: What really happened?

RT on Dec 3, 2014

Although video footage shows the confrontation between New York City Police Department officers and Eric Garner, a grand jury on Wednesday declined to indict the cop who killed the African American father of six by placing him in a chokehold. RT’s Manila Chan takes a look back at the video and breaks down the timeline of events.


USA: Watch Eric Garner protesters ‘die’ in NYC streets

RuptlyTV on Dec 3, 2014

Hundreds of protesters fanned out across New York City on Wednesday after a grand jury decided not to indict New York Police Department (NYPD) officer Daniel Pantaleo in the July 17 death of African-American Eric Garner.

Several dozen demonstrators protested by lying down in the street. Others carried placards reading “Black lives matter” and “Racism kills” while chanting slogans including “Whose streets? Our streets!”

Eric Garner died July 17 after Pantaleo put him in a chokehold as multiple NYPD officers tried to detain him on charges of selling loose cigarettes. Garner was unarmed at the time of his death.

The New York grand jury decision comes a little more than a week after a grand jury in Missouri decided not to indict white police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of unarmed African-American teenager Michael Brown.

USA: Protesters ruck with police after Eric Garner ruling

RuptlyTV on Dec 3, 2014

Almost Impossible to Indict a Cop

TheRealNews on Nov 27, 2014

Chase Madar tells Paul Jay that it’s not just an institutional problem, the law itself protects police abuse


See also:

Anger follows New York grand jury’s failure to indict cop who killed Eric Garner by Sandy English

Why It’s Impossible to Indict a Cop by Chase Madar

The Legacy That Is Ferguson by Cindy Milstein

From the archives:

The Year of the Pig: Should Workers Support Police Strikes?

Chris Hedges: No Ramifications For Police Who Murder + No Indictment For #Ferguson Cop Who Killed Michael Brown

Cornel West Arrested in Ferguson at Protest Against Police Brutality

Carl Dix: The Killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, interviewed by Cindy Sheehan

How Is a Prison Like a War? by David Swanson + Chris Hedges: Poverty, Racism & Policing, Mass Incarceration, Resistance and Social Transformation

Chris Hedges: Voices of Hope in a Time of Crisis

10 thoughts on “No Indictment For #NYC Cop Who Killed Eric Garner + Almost Impossible to Indict a Cop

  1. Pingback: A Long Time For Killing by Michael Parenti – Dandelion Salad

  2. Pingback: US Lectures World on Human Rights as Cops Kill Blacks With Impunity, by Finian Cunningham – Dandelion Salad

  3. Pingback: Chris Hedges and Matt Taibbi: The Killing of Eric Garner and The Criminalization of Poverty and Institutional Racism – Dandelion Salad

  4. Pingback: A Long Time For Killing by Michael Parenti | Dandelion Salad

  5. Pingback: The Year of the Pig: Should Workers Support Police Strikes? | Dandelion Salad

  6. Can anyone breathe freely in a police state? Legalized murder is still murder. Anyone who doesn’t understand that has sold their mind into virtual slavery. How fitting.

    • I agree, Lo. May the next Civil War be about rejecting violent means in resolving any kind of problems, as “violence leads to more violence.” A “civil war” of civil disobedience to the black magicians who’ve taken over this country and most of the world’s governments in their insatiable desire for more money (that they could ever spend) and the power over others and the exploitation of the general public, pitting one against the other as a distraction while they implement their nefarious schemes for self and crony self-aggrandizement.

      Good to see black Americans standing up for their human and civil rights again as they did in the 60’s.

      As for these “grand juries” investigating crimes against humanity and coming up with very peculiar decisions, it may be time again for citizens review boards, which are public, in examining police violence and the murder of unarmed people.

      But then we are in the Kali Yuga…..?

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