What Were George Orwell’s Political Views? by The Anti-Social Socialist

George Orwell's 1984

Image by Dandelion Salad via Flickr

“I have seen British Imperialism at work in Burma, and I have seen something of the effects of poverty and unemployment in Britain. In so far as I have struggled against the system, it has been mainly of writing books which I hoped would influence the reading public. I shall continue to do that, of course, but at a moment like the present writing books in not enough. The tempo of events is quickening; the dangers which once seemed a generation distant are staring us in the face. One has got to be actively a Socialist, not merely sympathetic to Socialism, or one plays into the hands of our always-active enemies.” — George Orwell, 1938

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Stephen F. Cohen: The Russia “National Security Crisis” is a U.S. Creation + Debunking the Putin Panic + Trump: A Symptom of a System in Decay

World War 3 - XV

Image by r2hox via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

Part 1: The Russia “National Security Crisis” is a U.S. Creation

TheRealNews on Jul 19, 2018

President Trump’s warm words for Vladimir Putin and his failure to endorse U.S. intelligence community claims about alleged Russian meddling have been called “treasonous” and the cause of a “national security crisis.” There is a crisis, says Prof. Stephen F. Cohen, but one of our own making.

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