What is Private Property? by The Anti-Social Socialist


Image by Mary Crandall via Flickr

“State property is no different from private property — all that changes is who exploits and oppresses the workers.” — Emma Goldman

by The Anti-Social Socialist
Writer, Dandelion Salad
August 14, 2018

The Anti-Social Socialist on Aug 14, 2018

From the archives:

The Life and Times of Michael Hudson: From Trotsky’s Godson to Modern Monetary Theory

David Harvey: The Crises of Capitalism + The Contradictions of Capitalism

Abby Martin: Capitalism–America’s Unofficial Religion + Understanding Marxism and Socialism

Socialism: Our Alternative To The Madness Of The Market by Eric Ruder

What Will A Socialist Society Be Like? by Jessica Hansen-Weaver

Plutocracy I: Political Repression in the U.S.A. + Plutocracy II: Solidarity Forever + Plutocracy III: Class War (must-see)

Socialism: Creating a World to Change Our Lives by Sam Friedman (must-read)

What is Socialism? Parts 1-7

Socialism, Land and Banking: 2017 Compared to 1917 by Michael Hudson

What If Workers Ran Society? by Elizabeth Schulte

Liberty, Anarchy, Property, Democracy and Power by Andrew Gavin Marshall