Anything War Can Do, Peace Can Do Better by David Swanson


Image by denisedaysmith via Flickr

Note: David’s piece contains many pictures, so you may wish to read it in full on his website.

by David Swanson
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Let’s Try Democracy
January 9, 2019

William James’ idea of the need to create a moral equivalent of war first struck me, decades ago, when I read about it, as about as sensible an idea as inventing a new way to punch yourself in the face. This was not purely because times have changed, because weapons have become more powerful, because the earth’s climate is collapsing, or because nonviolent activism has become widely understood as requiring courage, sacrifice, camarderie, dedication, discipline, and strength, without any of the counterproductive murder, maiming, destroying, occupying, hating, looting, pillaging, or stupidity.

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