Dark Waters Tells Half the Story of PFAS Contamination by Pat Elder

Dark Waters Tells Half the Story of PFAS Contamination by Pat Elder

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Dandelion Salad

Republished with permission from David Swanson at World Beyond War

by Pat Elder
World Beyond War
December 12, 2019

Dark Waters is the most important American film in a decade, although it squanders an opportunity to fully portray PFAS* contamination as the nationwide human health epidemic it has become. The film leaves out half of the story and that involves the military’s role.

*per- and poly fluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) include PFOA, PFOS and 5,000 other harmful chemicals used in a variety of military and industrial applications.

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King Hemp IV: Rope and Dope By Rand Clifford

Dandelion Salad

By Rand Clifford
crossposted at Thomas Paine’s Corner

Imagine…YOU are the legend, William Randolph Hearst. You unleash an old Mexican slang term—an alien, scary and macabre-sounding word, then hype it relentlessly in your national chain of newspapers…creating a monster to threaten civilization with plagues of rape and murder, mass insanity and boundless violence! Domestic terrorism…you must kill competition, protect pretty profits standing in your vast acreage of Mexican timber, pulp the trees into paper with the new environmentally-obscene sulfuric acid process patented by DuPont. His tentacles diddle the very heart of American politics….

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King Hemp: Part 2: Battle Lines: Natural, Or Synthetic…Life, Or Death? By Rand Clifford

Dandelion Salad

By Rand Clifford
crossposted at Thomas Paine’s Corner

Hemp is about life, renewal and future, power to The People…most everything America’s embedded fascist regime is not about. Government of, by and for corporations (CorpoGov) has us hogtied.

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