On the edge with Max Keiser: Wall Street Fraud



April 24, 2010 — Max Keiser is on the edge of the financial news where future financial scandals, market crashes and monetary crisis begin. Be there before it happens.

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Keiser Report No. 19: IMF selling gold + Karl Denninger

Dandelion Salad

February 23, 2010

This week Max Keiser and co-host Stacy Herbert report on the scandals of George Soros and the IMF shaking out the gold market; US bank lending falling at the fastest rate in recorded history; and the trickle up unemployment pyramid. Keiser also speaks to The Market Ticker’s Karl Denninger about CDOs, synthetic CDOs and hiding Greek debt.

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Max Keiser: Paulson, Super Schnook and Crook

Dandelion Salad

July 17, 2009


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What To Do If You Get Stopped By The Police by Karl Denninger

Dandelion Salad

Another post worthy of repeating; first posted Jan. 20, 2006 on my old blog. ~ Lo

by Karl Denninger

The legal system in the US is one arm of the octopus we call “The System.” It was designed by and is used for the benefit of those who control our society. It was not designed to protect the “rights” of those who oppose capitalism or business as usual.

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