stimulator: The Five Cockrings of Death

Dandelion Salad


The Five Cock Rings of Death

This week:

1. Tar Sands Ducks
2. Olympic Baby Seal Beatings
3. Victoria’s Wild Fires
4. Capitol Climate Action
5. RNC Snitch behind Bars
6. Snow
7. The Fugees
8. Reply to All
9. Olympic Resistance


RNC Protesters Tried on Terrorism Charges Despite Acknowledgment They Didn’t Commit Alleged Acts

3 thoughts on “stimulator: The Five Cockrings of Death

  1. Pingback: Amy Goodman speaks in Vancouver: Dissent is what will save us! « Dandelion Salad

  2. Pingback: Amy Goodman Detained at Canadian Border, Questioned About Speech…and 2010 Olympics by Amy Goodman « Dandelion Salad

  3. TY, the stimul8or, so stimulating.
    Millons or Billions of resourses for security and police, and not a thing for public housing[porta potties], health, or food, assistance, and boy do “I” feel fine ?

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