Israel holds drill simulating all-out war (updated)

Updated: May 31, 2009

Updated: May 23, 2009

Propaganda Alert

compiled by Cem Ertür
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
21 May, 2009

1) Israeli Air Force (IAF) holds drill simulating all-out war (21 May 2009)
2) FBI foils New York synagogue bombing (21 May 2009)
3) US army chief: Iran getting a nuclear weapon would be calamitous for the world (21 May 2009)


4) Azerbaijan seen as new front in Mideast conflict (30 May 2009)
5) Israeli Deputy Defence Minister: Israel is facing a real live missile threat from surrounding Arab countries (30 May 2009)

from the archives:

1) Obama: I understand why Israel considers Iran an existential threat (May 2009)
2) Netanyahu: We will not allow Holocaust deniers to carry out another Jewish Holocaust (April 2009)
3) New York City Police Department (NYPD) commando unit preparing to protect Jewish sites (April 2009)
4) Poll: U.S. Jews split on waging war against nuclear Iran (March 2009)
5) US Jewish communities test emergency system (March 2009)

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excerpts from: IAF holds drill simulating all-out war

Jerusalem Post, 21 May 2009

Israel Air Force squadrons took part in a large scale drill simulating war on all fronts over the past four days, Channel 10 reported Thursday. […]

Unlike previous drills, the air force did not train on long-range sorties, such as those that would be carried out during an offensive targeting Iran’s nuclear facilities; the drill this past week focused on defending the country.

During the exercise, the scenario included war against Hamas in the South and war against both Hizbullah and Syria in the North.

In early June, the Israeli home front will be practiced in the most far-reaching rehearsal for an emergency rocket attack ever carried out. All Israelis will be instructed to enter secure spaces and sirens will sound out throughout the country.


excerpt from: FBI foils NY synagogue bombing

Yitzhak Benhorin, Ynetnews, 21 May 2009

Federal law enforcement officials say four men arrested in suspected plot to bomb car near temple and Jewish community center in Bronx borough [of New York City], shoot at military planes with stinger missiles.


Iran nuclear bomb would be calamitous: U.S. military

Reuters, 21 May 2009

“I’m one who believes that Iran getting a nuclear weapon is calamitous for the region and for the world.”

[Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee meeting, 21 May 2009]


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excerpts from:Azerbaijan seen as new front in Mideast conflict

by Sebastian Rotella, Los Angeles Times, 30 May 2009

Officials say they foiled a plot by Hezbollah and Iran to bomb the Israeli Embassy in revenge for the 2008 slaying of Imad Mughniyah. Anti-terrorism officials fear a new militant hub. It happened in Baku, transforming the capital of Azerbaijan into a battleground in a global shadow war.

The prosecution remained largely a secret until this week, when closed court proceedings began for two Lebanese and four Azeris charged with terrorism, espionage and other crimes. […]

The choice of Baku last year reflects Iran’s influence, said Matthew Levitt, a former intelligence chief at the U.S. Treasury Department. […] “The Iranians have a history of a presence there. And they wouldn’t mind undermining the country, given Azerbaijan’s Western leanings.”

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‘Israelis must ready for missile attack’

by Yaakov Katz, Jerusalem Post, 30 May 2009

Israel is facing a “real live missile threat” from surrounding Arab countries and needs to be prepared for possible missile attacks at a moment’s notice, [Israeli] Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilna’i told The Jerusalem Post Saturday, ahead of the nationwide emergency drill that begins on Sunday.


from the archives: israel-considers-iran-an-existential-threat/

Obama: I understand why Israel considers Iran an existential threat

“I’ve been very clear that I don’t take any options off the table with respect to Iran. I don’t take options off the table when it comes to U.S. security, period. […]

I understand very clearly that Israel considers Iran an existential threat, and given some of the statements that have been made by President Ahmadinejad, you can understand why. […] They’re right there in range and I don’t think it’s my place to determine for the Israelis what their security needs are.”

[US President Barack Obama, Newsweek interview, 17 May 2009]

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Netanyahu: We will not allow Holocaust deniers to carry out another Jewish Holocaust

“We will not allow Holocaust deniers to carry out another Jewish Holocaust. This is the supreme commitment of the State of Israel, and it is my supreme commitment as Prime Minister of Israel.”

[Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Holocaust Remembrance Day speech in Jerusalem, 20 April 2009] [3]


excerpt from: NYPD commando unit preparing to protect Jewish sites

by Allison Hoffman, Jerusalem Post, 9 April 2009

Last week, during a regular pre-Pessah security briefing with Jewish community leaders, the New York Police Department confirmed that it has counterterrorism plans ready to go in case Israel decides to bomb Iran.

Any escalation in tension between the two countries would trigger the immediate deployment of the NYPD’s elite Hercules commando units to Israel’s consulate, as well as to synagogues and institutional headquarters throughout the city, Mitch Silber, a top intelligence analyst, told the crowd.

Silber said that he believed it was his duty to “prepare for any retaliation that might happen with the region, but more specifically in the West, and more specifically New York City.”


excerpt from: Poll: U.S. Jews split on waging war against nuclear Iran

by Natasha Mozgovaya, Haaretz, 23 March 2009

American Jews are evenly divided over whether the United States should launch a military offensive against Iran if it acquires nuclear weapons.

J Street, the dovish pro-Israel lobby in Washington, commissioned a poll which revealed on Monday that 41 percent of American Jews favor an attack, 40 percent oppose, and 16 percent chose neither.


excerpt from: US Jewish communities test emergency system

by Yaakov Lappin, Jerusalem Post, 9 March 2009

In the wake of ongoing terror threats to Jewish targets around the world, representatives of American Jewish communities are now testing an integrated rapid-response system designed to allow communications during times of emergency and to share security information on an ongoing basis.


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N.Y. Bomb Suspects Said to Have No Terror Group Link Update1 – h/t: CLG

Israel begins major drill, preparing for regional war