WikiLeaks’ Second Release of Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Documents (#TPP)

No Trespassing

Image by cool revolution via Flickr

Dandelion Salad
Dec. 9, 2013

[…] Today, 9 December 2013, WikiLeaks has released two more secret TPP documents that show the state of negotiations as the twelve TPP countries began supposedly final negotiations at a trade ministers’ meeting in Singapore this week.

One document describes deep divisions between the United States and other nations, and “great pressure” being exerted by the US negotiators to move other nations to their position. The other document lists, country-by-country, the many areas of disagreement remaining. It covers intellectual property and thirteen other chapters of the draft agreement. This suggests that the TPP negotiations can only be concluded if the Asia-Pacific countries back down on key national interest issues, otherwise the treaty will fail altogether.

TPP Salt Lake Extracts

TPP Salt Lake Positions




Deep divisions over TPP as US pressures to close controversial deal – WikiLeaks

Russia Today
Dec. 9, 2013

The US is ramping up pressure to secure a Trans-Pacific Trade Deal with conditions that could undermine the national interests of nations involved. WikiLeaks documents say talks are “paralyzed,” with the US refusing to compromise on disputed issues.

Anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks has released two documents revealing the state of negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The deal in question includes 12 countries – the United States, Japan, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Chile, Singapore, Peru, Vietnam, New Zealand and Brunei – which represent more than 40 percent of the world’s gross domestic product.

The 12 nations are in Singapore this week to discuss the trade agreement. Following a closed-door meeting in Singapore, Japan’s trade minister Yasutoshi Nishimura told press he would like “the United States to show flexibility.”


via Russia Today


Wikileaks releases more TPP documents

RT America on Dec 9, 2013

More information has become available concerning the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade deal that would expand the rights of international corporations and would represent about 40% of the world’s GDP . Whistleblowing organization Wikileaks released new documents on Sunday detailing the differing positions of the involved countries and the secret terms of the negotiations. These documents shed new light on the United States’ position, and show just how isolated the US is in its quest to push through the TPP. RT’s Meghan Lopez gives more details about the information exposed in the documents.


Corporations may snatch Pacific rim’s $20trn market as US pushes deal

RT on Dec 10, 2013

The US is ramping up pressure to secure a Trans-Pacific Trade Deal with conditions that could undermine the national interests of nations involved. WikiLeaks documents say talks are “paralyzed,” with the US refusing to compromise on disputed issues.


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