Wear Orange on Election Day!

SB5 Protesters sit-in at Texas State Capitol

Image by Blackbird Film Co. via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

Originally posted Oct 27, 2008

Updated: Just a note: wearing an orange t-shirt, sweatshirt, jacket, whatever wouldn’t be considered “political attire” as far as the elections laws regarding the 25 foot rule on electioneering near polling places.  ~ DS

I don’t have anything orange but did find an envelope that is orange that I can pin to my jacket. ~ DS

Orange Rebels on Oct 26, 2008

On election day, wear orange if you want to rebel against the United States 2-party political system!

Voting isn’t the only way to have your voice be heard!


Wear Orange on Election Day!



from the archives:

The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, The Movie–FREE Rent Today, Monday and Tuesday by Greg Palast

Abby Martin: We’ve Been Lied To, Over and Over Again

Rigged by David Swanson + Ecuador Cuts Off Internet for Assange Over Impacting US Election

Ralph Nader: The Two Party System Brought Us the Corrupt Political System That is Driving Our Country to the Ground

Ralph Nader: Dispelling the Myth of the 2000 Election (repost)

Who Stole The 2000 Election? (Hint: Not Nader) by Eric Ruder

Voter Suppression Voting Rights

12 thoughts on “Wear Orange on Election Day!

  1. Pingback: Voting “Third” Party is modern Civil Disobedience « Dandelion Salad

  2. Pingback: Presidential elections: planning for the worse By Roland Michel Tremblay « Dandelion Salad

  3. Pingback: Third Party Debate 10.30.08 and VP Debate 11.02.08 « Dandelion Salad

  4. Pingback: Twelve Reasons to Reject Obama and Support Nader/McKinney « Dandelion Salad

  5. Wearing orange is a great idea! But boycotting the elections seems self-defeating to me.

    If you do not vote at least it would be helpful if you were to join VideotheVote.org or go out to the street with an orange sign of protest. Numbers of citizens who show they are invested in cleaning up government are the most effective tool we have, IMHO.

  6. Pingback: High Time to Boycott Elections by Reza Fiyouzat « Dandelion Salad

  7. Pingback: Obama conquers the new New South + Danny Glover « Dandelion Salad

  8. Pingback: Drinking the ACORN Kool-Aid: How Cries of Voter Fraud Cover Up GOP Elections Theft « Dandelion Salad

  9. Pingback: Clint Curtis: Murder, Spies and Voting Lies « Dandelion Salad

  10. I put it up on Current and it’s getting a lot of views and comments, hope you’ll check them out.

    Supporting third parties is a hard sell sometimes, but we must continue our efforts.

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