The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, The Movie–FREE Rent Today, Monday and Tuesday by Greg Palast

Voter Suppression Trend NC

Image by Democracy Chronicles via Flickr

Updated: Nov. 8, 2016

by Greg Palast
Writer, Dandelion Salad
November 6, 2016

Yes, the hit film featuring Rosario Dawson, Shailene Woodley, Willie Nelson and a look inside real live Rolling Stone investigation exposing the scheme that’s swiping a million votes in North Carolina, Ohio and the states that pick our President and Senate.

The soul of this nation is on the line.  So,…

with the very generous approval of our distributor, I am releasing our film while it is still completing its sold-out, smash-hit runs in Hollywood, New York and nationwide—for no charge until midnight on Election Night.

America needs the film more than we need the money (though, we DESPERATELY do need money—read below).

For the last few days leading up to the election, you can view the complete film that John Perkins calls, “Hilarious, totally entertaining, heart-breaking and absolutely MUST be seen by EVERYBODY.”

… And for now through Election night, it’s stone cold free.

No tricks.  Free.  Though I am asking those of you who can, to make a tax-deductible donation when you stream the film.

Most important is that you pass on this link to your friends, fellow activists — and especially to your IN-activated friends, you know, your cousin who could use a fire under his butt.

If you can donate, from now through election week, we are sponsoring a Generosity page — it’s like Kickstarter for non-profits—where you can donate to The Palast Investigative Fund and get a signed DVD of the film or the companion book—and a tax deduction (are you listening, Donald?).  And if you really want to help us here in Ohio, make a $1,000 contribution:  you’ll be listed in the credits as a producer (or $500 for Co-Producer) on our broadcast and post-election edition of the film.

It’s for our investigation right now and through the election in Ohio and North Carolina, Maybe you remember our shocker of a report for Democracy Now! in 2012, where we discovered that, after waiting 5 hours in line, every single Black person in early voting was handed an ABSENTEE ballots (which can be challenged).  ‘

We’re back to bust the next stories.  I’m in Ohio right now with a camera crew—and we have crew in North Carolina—preparing for souls-to-the-polls day coverage.  And I have no idea how I’m going to pay for this— unless you become a Souls to the Polls Sponsor.

We will keep digging but are asking you to make a donation no matter how large or small and help to pay for our shovels.

I thank you and my sleepless team thanks you.

This is Greg Palast, in Dayton, Ohio, reporting …until they pull the pencil from my cold, dead hand.

* * * * * *

Greg Palast (Rolling Stone, Guardian, BBC) is the author of The New York Times bestsellers, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy and Billionaires & Ballot Bandits, now out as major motion non-fiction movie.

Donate to the Palast Investigative Fund and get the signed DVD.

Download the FREE Movie Comic Book.

Rent or buy the film from Amazon or Vimeo.

Check for Movie Screenings in your area.

Visit the Palast Investigative Fund store or simply make a tax-deductible contribution to keep our work alive!

Or support the The Palast Investigative Fund (a project of The Sustainable Markets Foundation) by shopping with Amazon Smile. AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your purchases to the Palast Fund and you get a tax-deduction! More info.


Updated: Nov. 8, 2016

[Clip from the film]

Greg Palast in Ohio on GOP Effort to Remove African Americans from Voter Rolls in Battleground State

Democracy Now! on Nov 8, 2016 – In an on-the-ground report from the battleground state of Ohio, investigative reporter Greg Palast has uncovered the latest in vote suppression tactics led by Republicans that could threaten the integrity of the vote in Ohio and North Carolina. On some polling machines, audit protection functions have been shut off, and African Americans and Hispanics are being scrubbed from the voter rolls through a system called Crosscheck. “It’s a brand-new Jim Crow,” Palast says. “Today, on Election Day, they’re not going to use white sheets to keep way black voters. Today, they’re using spreadsheets.”

from the archives:

Abby Martin: We’ve Been Lied To, Over and Over Again

Rigged by David Swanson + Ecuador Cuts Off Internet for Assange Over Impacting US Election

Ralph Nader: The Two Party System Brought Us the Corrupt Political System That is Driving Our Country to the Ground

Ralph Nader: Dispelling the Myth of the 2000 Election (repost)

Who Stole The 2000 Election? (Hint: Not Nader) by Eric Ruder

Greg Palast: How The 2016 Election WILL Be Stolen!

The Scandal of Voter Suppression by William John Cox + 16 States Face New Voting Restrictions

4 thoughts on “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, The Movie–FREE Rent Today, Monday and Tuesday by Greg Palast

  1. Pingback: Abby Martin and Greg Palast: The Hidden Purging of Millions of Voters – Dandelion Salad

  2. Pingback: Who Voted and Who Couldn’t–Don’t Blame Jill Stein by Drew Robert Winter – Dandelion Salad

  3. Pingback: Wear Orange on Election Day! – Dandelion Salad

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