AE911Truth: Solving the Mystery of WTC 7

9/11 was an inside job!

Image by Renato Sil via Flickr

 on Aug 16, 2011

This is AE911Truth’s new 9/11 documentary on the mysterious destruction of World Trade Center Building #7, WTC 7 on 9/11/01. Join actor, Ed Asner and Architect Richard Gage, AIA and Architects and Engineers as they narrate an unfolding story that decimates the official account (“collapse due to normal office fires”) of this 47 story high-rise which was destroyed on the afternoon of 9/11 in record time: top to bottom in under 7 seconds – and at free-fall acceleration for a third of its fall. Solving the Mystery of the Free-Fall collapse of WTC 7.

This is AE911Truth’s best shot at a professionally produced 15 minute informative and engaging WTC 7 documentary – designed for newcomers. It is free. Please spread Far and Wide, including Architects and Engineers.

The documentary includes several of the dozens of technical and building experts that were interviewed and that appear in our forthcoming full length documentary – 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out. Altogether of course there are more than 1,500 Architects & Engineers that have signed the AE911Truth petition calling for a new investigation of the destruction of all 3 high-rises at the World Trade Center on 9/11.


Architects & Engineers – Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 –


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