NDAA on trial: Obama Administration fights ban on indefinite detention of Americans

Dandelion Salad

NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act)

Image by World Can’t Wait via Flickr

Aug 13, 2012 by

White House lawyers have been recently defending the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA. They have been arguing that jailing Americans indefinitely without trial in some instances is necessary for the safety and security of the country.Tangerine Bolen of Revolution Truth and a plaintiff in the case against the NDAA joins RT’s Kristine Frazao to discuss the matter.

NDAA on trial: Obama Administration fights ban on indefinite detention of


May 11, 2012 by

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Main Site: http://www.peopleagainstndaa.com/

Re-upload on your channel, share and comment. Spread the word like wildfire.

The NDAA, National Defense Authorization Act, destroys the bill of rights, constitution and everything America stands for. It is time for America to wake up.

Need more convincing that the NDAA is the worst attack on liberty since the McCarthy era? http://www.peopleagainstndaa.com/moreinfo.html

People against NDAA – Unite!


Criminalizing Dissent by Chris Hedges

Chris Hedges: When Empires Emplode + Update on the NDAA Lawsuit

NDAA unconstitutional: Federal judge bans Obama from indefinitely detaining

NDAA: A Victory for All of Us by Chris Hedges

Chris Hedges Hails “Monumental” Ruling Blocking NDAA Indefinite Detention

Chris Hedges: No Outcry Within Media on NDAA

from the archives:

Barack Obama signs H.R. 1540, NDAA into law