Chris Hedges: You Can’t Use the Word Hope, If You Don’t Resist (2012)

Camden NJ collapse

Image by James Nord via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

with Chris Hedges

The Public on Sep 27, 2013

A wide-ranging interview with Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, and outspoken public intellectual Chris Hedges on his latest book ‘Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt’ and his life spent fighting for political and social justice. Recorded for The Public on CIUT 89.5FM in Toronto, August 2012.

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What is the Social Cost of Carbon Emissions? + Why Climate Deniers Are Plain Wrong

Young female polar bear, approaching the ship

Image by mfmb_bentley via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

TheRealNews on Sep 30, 2013

James Boyce: Cost-benefit analysis of carbon emissions has shortcomings.

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Rick Rozoff: UN Syria Resolution May Allow Action Against Rebel Supporters

by Rick Rozoff
Writer, Dandelion Salad
September 29, 2013

Times Square Convergence against The War on Syria

Image by The Eyes Of New York via Flickr

John Robles
Voice of Russia
September 29, 2013

The full text of the United Nations Resolution on Syria has been published and thanks to the efforts of the Russian Federation and China is one of the most balanced of such documents in the last century. However there remains the threat of a western attack on Syria. Continue reading

Time to Turn the Table on West Warmongers by Finian Cunningham

by Finian Cunningham
Writer, Dandelion Salad
East Africa
Crossposted from PressTV
September 29, 2013

NO  U.S.  BOMBING  OF  SYRIA   /  Hands Off Syria  /   NO  WAR    -    Protest march  from Times Square  to  Union Square,  Manhattan  NYC   -   09/07/2013

Image by asterix611 via Flickr

US President Barack Obama described the latest Security Council resolution on Syrian chemical weapons as “a huge victory for the world”. It certainly was a huge victory for diplomacy over war, to the relief of the world’s people.

But for Obama to seek credit in the passing of this resolution is contemptible. It was a defeat for warmongers led by the likes of Obama and his Secretary of State John Kerry, who were clamoring for unilateral missile strikes on Syria.

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Syria, Sarin, and Casus Belli by Michael Parenti

by Michael Parenti
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Michael Parenti Blog
September 30, 2013


Image by Xizi (Cecilia) Hua @ Neon Tommy via Flickr

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry announced that on August 21 the Assad government slaughtered 1,429 people, including 426 children, in a sarin chemical attack in Ghouta, a Damascus suburb. (Doctors Without Borders put the total at about 300.) Secretary Kerry insisted that now the United States had no choice but to launch U.S. bombing attacks against President Bashar al-Assad, devolving into another of America’s “humanitarian wars.”

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