Uh Oh, Here Comes the Occupying Army, by Robert C. Koehler + Goodbye, Tyre, by Leslie D. Gregory

"Am I next?" - Justice for Philando Castile

Image by Tony Webster via Flickr

by Robert C. Koehler
Guest Writer, Dandelion Salad
February 2, 2023

America, America … God kicks thee in the head.

The twisted irony here — the irony of the brutal murder of Tyre Nichols in Memphis, Tennessee last month — is that his killers were the ones hired and trained to keep the city safe. Instead, they created half an hour of hell for the young man, kicking and beating and tasing him to death a short distance away from his mother’s house, after a random, and perhaps unjustified, traffic stop.

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The Cruel and Shameless Ideology of Corporatism by Ralph Nader

Dandelion Salad

by Ralph Nader
The Nader Page
February 21, 2014

Like ravenous beasts of prey attacking a weakened antelope, the forces of subsidized capital and their mercenaries sunk their fangs into the United Auto Workers (UAW) and its organizing drive at the Volkswagen factory in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The UAW narrowly lost – 712 to 626 – and the baying pack of plutocrats exalted, as if they had just saved western civilization in the anti-union, lower-wage South.

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TN Protesters Arrested + Matewan (1987; clip) + Photos that set off the protests in Bahrain


Workers Of The World Unite!

Image by oemebamo via Flickr

on Mar 15, 2011

The fight over workers’ rights escalated in Tennessee this afternoon as protesters jammed a Senate hearing on a bill that would weaken unions. Seven were arrested as the protesters chanted and refused to leave the room. “Tennessee is not Wisconsin” said the Republican leader of the Tennessee Senate Ron Ramsey after the arrests, “We talk through our differences here.” SB1031 is aimed at weakening unions in Tennessee. The description of the bill says it: Prohibits any business or organization operating in this state from executing an agreement with a union or employee organization of any kind that includes a maintenance of membership clause prohibiting employees from withdrawing from a union or employee organization prior to the agreement’s expiration. More from Nashville’s City Paper.

Video by Mid-South Peace and Justice Center. Used by permission.

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